
Category: Murder

Barack Obama Observes A Moment of Silence for Victims Of Boston Marathon Bombing

President Obama observes a moment of silence to mark the one-year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing.
The President “Says A year ago, tragedy struck at the 117th Boston Marathon. Four innocent people were killed that week, and hundreds more were wounded. Today, we remember Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu, Martin Richard, and Sean Collier. And we send our thoughts and prayers to those still struggling to recover.We also know that the most vivid images from that day were not of smoke and chaos, but of compassion, kindness and strength: A man in a cowboy hat helping a wounded stranger out of harm’s way; runners embracing loved ones, and each other; an EMT carrying a spectator to safety. Today, we recognize the incredible courage and leadership of so many Bostonians in the wake of unspeakable tragedy. And we offer our deepest gratitude to the courageous firefighters, police officers, medical professionals, runners and spectators who, in an instant, displayed the spirit Boston was built on — perseverance, freedom and love”
Photo Caption
President Barack Obama observes a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings, in the Oval Office, Last Year

Kapil Sibal Condemns senseless Maoist Genocide in Chhatisgarh

Kapil Sibal Condemns senseless Maoist Genocide in Chhatisgarh And Conveys His Deepest Condolences
Kapil says “Yes, Our Federal Structure Has To Be Preserved, but Not At the Cost Of Innocent Lives”
Law Minister Kapil Sibal Conveys His Sentiments In These Words” I am deeply pained at the loss of lives, in the senseless Maoist attack in Chhatisgarh yesterday. My deepest condolences go out to the families of those who lost their lives in this tragedy.We cannot turn back time and get back those whom we lost, but we can certainly take measures to prevent such acts of violence and crimes against the people of India in the future “While ,Diplomatically, Criticizing B J P Ruled State Govt,.Congress Leader Kapil Sibal Says In His Blog “.Let me be clear, I am not blaming the Chhattisgarh government. Dr. Raman Singh probably has his hands full dealing with this tragedy, and the Centre extends whatever support he needs from us.However, I do believe this attack could have been prevented, if at a larger level, there is better Centre-State co-ordination on matters of internal security. The Centre had proposed various measures, including a joint framework, which unfortunately was rejected by the Opposition on the grounds of violating the federal nature of our country.I hope better sense prevails going forward, and concrete steps are taken for a collective Centre-State mechanism to combat insurgency and crimes against the people of India..After all, nothing is worth more than the safety and lives of our citizens”.

“आप” जी दिल्ली में शराब माफिआ को क्रेक करने के लिए एक करोड़ के दसवें हिस्से का इनाम भी घोषित कर दो

झल्ले दी झल्लियां गल्लां

“आप” पार्टी चीयर लीडर

ओये झल्लेया देखा हसाडे सोणे केजरीवाल का प्रशासनिक कमाल|ओये अपने चुनावी घोषणा पत्र की दूसरी क्लाज को पूरा करते हुए शराब माफिआ के हाथों शहीद हुए कांस्टेबिल “विनोद” के परिजनों को एक करोड़ रुपयों की सहायता राशि का एलान कर दिया है ओये अब पोलिस वाले भी बदमाशों का मुकाबिला करने के लिए सीना फुला कर आगे जायेंगे


ये राशि अगर लाल फीताशाही में नहीं फंसी तो वाकई हौंसला अफजाई है नहीं तो जग हसाई होगी |खैर इसके लिए बधाई लेकिन झल्लेविचारनुसार अगर इसके अलावा शराब माफिआ गैंग को क्रेक करने के लिए एक करोड़ की राशि का दस प्रतिशत भी घोषित कर दिया जाये तो खजाने पर आने वाले समय में एक करोड़ का भार नहीं पड़ेगा और कांस्टेबिल विनोद जैसी प्रतिभाएं देश सेवा के लिए जीवित रहेंगी

लुधियाना में एसिड पीड़िता की मृत्यु पर सूचना एवं प्रसारण मनीष तिवारी ने संवेदना प्रकट की

लुधियाना में एसिड हमला पीडि़ता ने मुम्बई में इलाज के दौरान दम तोड़ दिया | केंद्रीय सूचना एवं प्रसारण मंत्री मनीष तिवारी ने 22 वर्षीय पीड़िता की मृत्यु पर संवेदना प्रकट की है। पीडिता ने 20 दिन तक जीवन के लिए संघर्ष करते हुए नेशनल बर्न्‍स सेंटर मुंबई में दम तोड़ दिया।
पीडिता पर यह हमला तब हुआ जब वह लुधियाना के एक ब्‍यूटी पार्लर में अपनी शादी के लिए तैयार हो रही थी।
श्री तिवारी ने मांग की कि इस बर्बर कृत्‍य के लिए जिम्‍मेदार लोगों पर फास्‍ट ट्रैक कोर्ट में मुकदमा चलाया जाना चाहिए तथा उन्‍हें कड़ी से कड़ी सज़ा देनी चाहिए।
पीडिता की मृत्‍यु पर संवेदना प्रकट करते हुए श्री तिवारी ने कहा कि उन्‍हें बेहद अफसोस है कि उस लड़की का जीवन नहीं बच सका। श्री तिवारी ने लड़की के परिवार वालों के लिए प्रार्थना की कि वे अपनी बेटी खोने की इस त्रासदी और सदमे से उबर सकें।
श्री तिवारी ने कहा कि एक अभिभावक के तौर पर वे स्‍वयं इस प्रकार के सदमे और दर्द को अनुभव कर सकते हैं, जहां एक परिवार ने अपनी बेटी को उस वक्‍त अमानवीय और बर्बर हमले में खो दिया जब वह शादी के लिए तैयार हो रही थी।

छावनी के पॉश सदर छेत्र स्थित आइस फैक्ट्री में मजदूर का कत्ल

[मेरठ]थाना सदर बाज़ार छेत्र स्थित केले वाली[१६८] कोठी में आइस क्रीम फैक्ट्री के मजदूर का कत्ल कर दिया गया है |मृतक का नाम २७ वर्षीय कालू पुत्र नन्हें बताया गया है |फैक्ट्री को सील करके मालिक विजय भाटिया को तहरीर के आधार पर हिरासत में ले लिया गया है और घटना स्थल पर सुरक्षा कर्मी तैनात कर दिए गए हैं|

Murder In Cantonment

Murder In Cantonment

प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार सोनकर समाज के कालू पुत्र नन्हें विजय भाटिया की इस आइस फैक्ट्री मेंपिछले कई सालों से काम करता था| और अधिकाँश रात को फैक्ट्री पर ही रुक जाया करता था|आज सुबह कुछ लोगों ने फैक्ट्री के बंद गेट से खून बहता देखा तो अंदर झाँकने पर चौंकाने वाला दृश्य दिखाई दिया कालू खून में लथपथ पीठ के बल लेटा था |सोचना मिलते ही बड़ी संख्या में लोग वहाँ एकत्रत हो गए |जब जाँच की गई तो कालू मृत पाया गया |पोलिस ने पंचनामा भर कर शव को पोस्ट मार्टम के लिए भिजवा दिया|
People Resenting Over Murder Of Employee In Cantonment

People Resenting Over Murder Of Employee In Cantonment

To Keep Country Free From Fear, Keep Trying:Obama Marking Anniversary of Shooting in Newtown,

President Barack Obama honored the memories of the 26 innocent children and educators who were killed a year ago in Newtown, Connecticut.
One year ago quiet, peaceful Newtown, was shattered by unspeakable Gun Culture
6 dedicated school workers and 20 beautiful children were Shot Dead
Marking the One-Year Anniversary of this Tragic Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut President Obama said “As parents, as Americans, the news filled us with grief. Newtown is a town like so many of our hometowns. The victims were educators and kids that could have been any of our own. And our hearts were broken for the families that lost a piece of their heart; for the communities changed forever; for the survivors, so young, whose innocence was torn away far too soon.
But beneath the sadness, we also felt a sense of resolve – that these tragedies must end, and that to end them, we must change.
From the very beginning, our efforts were led by the parents of Newtown – men and women, impossibly brave, who stepped forward in the hopes that they might spare others their heartbreak. And they were joined by millions of Americans – mothers and fathers; sisters and brothers – who refused to accept these acts of violence as somehow inevitable.”
Obama In Weekly address said “Over the past year, their voices have sustained us. And their example has inspired us – to be better parents and better neighbors; to give our children everything they need to face the world without fear; to meet our responsibilities not just to our own families, but to our communities. More than the tragedy itself, that’s how Newtown will be remembered.
And on this anniversary of a day we will never forget, that’s the example we should continue to follow. Because we haven’t yet done enough to make our communities and our country safer. We have to do more to keep dangerous people from getting their hands on a gun so easily. We have to do more to heal troubled minds. We have to do everything we can to protect our children from harm and make them feel loved, and valued, and cared for.
And as we do, we can’t lose sight of the fact that real change won’t come from Washington. It will come the way it’s always come – from you. From the American people.
As a nation, we can’t stop every act of violence. We can’t heal every troubled mind. But if we want to live in a country where we can go to work, send our kids to school, and walk our streets free from fear, we have to keep trying. We have to keep caring. We have to treat every child like they’re our child. Like those in Sandy Hook, we must choose love. And together, we must make a change.

Joe Biden Showed Grave Concern Over Gun Trafficking In U S A

New town Tragedy case is Obviously closed In The Books Of Police But Vice President Joe Biden has opened Old Debate of Gun Violence In The Country.
Vice President Of U S A Biden said “We’ve seen too much gun violence as a country. And if there’s even one thing we can do to save a life, it is our most sacred duty to try”
That’s where I stand. And you have my word that the President and I are doing everything we can to make sure no parent loses their child to gun violence ”
Biden Said “Twenty years ago, President Clinton signed the Brady Bill into law.That law said that if you want to purchase a firearm from a federally licensed dealer in this country, you have to get a background check first. It was a historic piece of legislation — one that’s kept 1.5 million of the wrong people from getting their hands on a firearm in the last 14 years”
But in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown — a year ago this month — we know we’ve got to keep working to build on that progress.
And so even after a minority of Senators blocked commonsense legislation to reduce gun violence this spring, we’re pushing forward.
President Obama laid out 23 executive actions to make sure the Administration took essential and rapid steps to save lives while respecting our Second Amendment rights. And since January, we’ve completed or made significant progress on all of them.
President Obama is keeping his word to make sure our families and communities are safe.
Seeking Support From Congress Biden Said “it’s not enough we still need Congress to pass comprehensive legislation to reduce gun violence. We need expanded background checks, and we need to create serious penalties for gun trafficking. There is no question that these kinds of measures would protect our kids and keep our communities safer.
No parent should ever face the horror of the scene at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Or a movie theater in Aurora. Or a temple in Oak Creek. Or the campus at Virginia Tech.
:On December 14, 2012, a 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in New town,
It was the second deadliest mass shooting by a single person in American history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. Second deadliest mass murder at a U.S. elementary school, After 1927 Bath School bombings in Michigan
The incident prompted renewed debate about gun control in the United States, and a proposal for new legislation banning the sale and manufacture of certain types of semi-automatic firearms and magazines with more than ten rounds of ammunition.
The report noted that “Lanza” had a familiarity with and access to firearms and ammunition and an obsession with mass murders,
The report did not identify a specific motive for the shooting, stating “The evidence clearly shows that the shooter planned his actions, including the taking of his own life,The final report summarizing the investigation into the shooting was published on November 25, 2013. It concluded that Adam Lanza had acted alone, and that the case was closed.

आरुषि बिटिया की इमेज का रेप सी बी आई द्वारा लगातार साढ़े पञ्च तक किया जाता रहा है| उसका दंड कौन भरेगा?

झल्ले दी झल्लियां गल्लां

सीबीआई का चीयरलीडर

ओये झल्लेया देखा आरुषि मर्डर केस में हमने करा दिया ना दूध का दूध और पानी का पानी ओये अब कहाँ बच कर जायेंगे ये पुत्रीहंता तलवार दंपत्ति |हसाड़ी साढ़े पञ्च साल की मेहनत रंग ले ही आई माननीय कोर्ट ने राजेश और नूपर दोनों को ही उम्र कैद की सजा सुना कर डासना जेल भिजवा दिया है |


चतुर सुजाण जी चुनावो से पहले और तहलकाई तरुण तेजपाल काण्ड के ठीक समय पर आये इस फैसले पर मीडिया में जो बहस चल रही है उससे तो लगता है कि सिंगल ट्रेक पर चलाये गए इस केस में आरुषि बिटिया की इमेज का रेप सी बी आई द्वारा लगातार साढ़े पञ्च तक किया जाता रहा है| उसका दंड कौन भरेगा?

आरुषि मर्डर के केस में सी बी आई की विशेष अदालत ने तलवार दंपत्ति को उम्र कैद की सजा सुनाई

आरुषी और हेमराज के कत्ल के पांच साल बाद आज सीबीआई की विशेष अदालत ने सजा सुनाई |आरुषि के पैरेंट्स को बीते दिन अदालत ने दोषी मान लिया था और आज उन्हें उम्र कैद की सजा सुनाई गई है|
सीबीआई के विशेष न्यायाधीश श्री श्याम लाल ने तलवार दंपत्ति की सजा पर जांच ब्यूरो का पक्ष सुनने के बाद उन्हें उम्र कैद की सजा सुनाई।
विशेष अदालत ने कल ही राजेश तलवार और नूपुर तलवार को आरुषि—हेमराज हत्याकांड में दोषी ठहराया था।अदालत के फैसले के तुरंत बाद दोनों को हिरासत में लेकर डासना जेल ले जाया गया|

AAP Party Volunteer from ,Zaffrabad ,Arvind Malik Shot Himself

AAP Party Volunteer Arvind Malik has committed suicide .He may have taken this extreme step due to some family problem.
It is said by the party” We are deeply saddened to hear that Arvind Malik, our active volunteer from Zaffrabad has committed suicide. We understand that he has taken this extreme step due to some family problem.We stand with his family in this tragic hour and pray that his troubled soul finds peace”.
This morning Arvind Malik shot himself using a weapon belonging to a family member. He was rushed to GTB Hospital but they could not save him.