
Bye-Elections to the Maharashtra Legislative Council [4]On 30th January

Bye-elections to the Maharashtra Legislative Council By the Members of Legislative Assemblyl On 30th January, 2015 (Friday)
There are four casual vacancies in the State Legislative Council of Maharashtra . The details are given as under:-
Sl. No.=====Name of Member========Date of retirement================================ Remarks
1].===Chavan, Prithviraj Dajisaheb=====07.07.2016======================================Elected to the Maharashtra ————————————————————————————————————————————Legislative Assembly on
—————————————————————————————————————————— 20.10.2014 and have become
=—————————————————————————————————————————– vacant in terms of Article 190(1)
——————————————————————————————————————————- of the Constitution
2].=Tawde, Vinod Shreedhar=========24.04.2020
3].==Shelar, Ashish Babaji===========27.07.2018
4].=Mete, Vinayak Tukaram=========07.07.2016

Election Commission of India