
Tag: All India Institute of Medical Sciences

AIIMS WB Starts Out Patient Department (OPD)

Kalyani(WB) AIIMS Starts Out Patient Department (OPD)
The Out Patient Department (OPD) of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Kalyani in West Bengal’s Nadia district started functioning in a limited way from Wednesday,
As per AIIMS, Kalyani, Executive Director, Ramji Singh ,doctors attended to 30 patients at the OPD on Wednesday.

Singh said limited OPD facility is now available for the departments of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Opthalmology, ENT, Psychiatry and Dermatology.
The Indoor Patient Department (IPD) service of AIIMS, Kalyani will most probably start in September 2021 with 300 beds
The AIIMS, Kalyani is being developed on 197 acres of land at Kalyani’s Bashantapur area in Nadia district and the project cost is Rs 1,200 crore.
The Central government has set a target to serve the patients of West Bengal and North East India here. A Dharmasala has been developed for the lodging of patient parties with an accommodation facility of 156 persons

Veteran Journalist Vinod Mehta Passes Away:PM Of India Condoles

[New Delhi]Veteran Journalist Sh Vinod Mehta Passes Away:PM Condoles
Veteran journalist and author Sh Vinod Mehta passed away today after a prolonged illness. He was 73.
The founder-Editor of ‘Outlook’ magazine breathed his last at AIIMS where he was admitted.
He died of multiple organ failure,
Born in Rawalpindi (now in Pakistan)in 1942, Sh Mehta was known for his bold journalism.
He was the Editor-in-Chief of ‘Outlook’ magazine till February 2012
The Prime Minister Of India Shri Narendra Modi, has condoled the passing of renowned journalist, Shri Vinod Mehta.
PM Tweeted “Frank and direct in his opinions, Shri Vinod Mehta will be remembered as a fine journalist and writer.
Condolences to his family on his demise,”

Dr Harsh Vardhan Asks Doctors to Strive for Zero Child Deaths in Hospitals

Dr Harsh Vardhan Asks Doctors to Strive for Zero Child Deaths in Hospitals
Union Health Minister Dr Harsh vardhan ,Today Inspected Capital’s Kalavati saran Children’s Hospital And Asked Doctors To Achieve United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals.
Conscious of the government’s responsibility to reducing the number of maternal and child deaths in accordance with United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Health Minister, today asked doctors at the capital’s Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital to be “zero tolerant” to inefficiency and be pro-active in the execution of their duties.
“The MDG deadline is September 2015 and we are still a long way off. There are many things you all could do to reduce the mortality rate of children. If developed countries can do it, we too should because there is no paucity of money or human resources,” he told the doctors and staff of the hospital.
Health Minister spent close to two hours inspecting every ward and department of the hospital.The Minister noted inconsistencies in the prescriptions written out by the resident doctors. Minister frankly communicated to Dr Atul Murari That “Senior doctors need to train the juniors on the necessity of rational prescribing of drugs.” He even inspected the toilets . Minister patiently heard the problems of the different departmental heads. One of them told him About The Shortage Of Technicians which affects their attention to the surge of patients. Another head of department related that apart from treating children suffering from cancer he has to serve as nodal officer for the hospital’s new building project.
Minister Said That “There should be TV sets constantly playing health education films in the OPD waiting area. This will make the parents of infants and children aware of how to avoid diarrhoea and other simple diseases and reduce the burden of this hospital,” Dr Harsh Vardhan said.
Since 1956, Kalawati Saran Hospital has served as a government facility for tertiary treatment of children. Its present bed strength is 375, but demand is far greater. An expansion programme is under implementation to accommodate 1,000 patients.
Dr Harsh Vardhan was accompanied by the Health Secretary, Mr Lov Verma, and the Director General of Health Services, Dr Jagdish Prasad, and senior officials. This was his fourth inspection of a central government hospital in Delhi since assuming office. Earlier the minister had been to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Safdarjung Hospital.
Reviewing the infrastructure, Dr Harsh Vardhan said the administration should forward all proposals as soon as possible, and the Ministry would ensure that they are expeditiously cleared. He also assured that the vacant posts of doctors and staff, and the faculty at Lady Hardinge Medical College (which is part of Kalawati Saran Hospital) would be filled up soon.
“I will be keen to see improvements in your hospital because it is crucial to our objective of meeting the UN deadline”, Dr Harsh Vardhan said before leaving.

डॉ हर्षवर्धन ने मरीजों के साथ संबंध सुधारने के लिए एम्‍स के डॉक्‍टरों को प्रिस्क्रिप्शन दिया

डॉ हर्षवर्धन ने मरीजों के साथ संबंध सुधारने के लिए एम्‍स नई दिल्ली के डॉक्‍टरों को प्रिस्क्रिप्शन दिया| एम्स देश का सबसे बड़ा अस्पताल है। इसका निर्माण इस अस्पताल में हर रोज औसतन 3000 बाह्य रोगी आते हैं इसके अलावा कम से कम 4000 अन्य रोगी विभिन्न विभागों में भर्ती किए जाते हैं।
केन्‍द्रीय स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य मंत्री डॉ. हर्षवर्धन देश की राजधानी के अस्‍पतालों में सफाई अभियान Sanitationनिरीक्षण के दूसरे दिन जन स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य केन्‍द्रों में नई कार्य संस्‍कृति अपनाने के मिशन पर थे।बीते दिन उन्होंने डॉ आर एम एल अस्पताल का निरीक्षण किया था |
डॉ. हर्षवर्धन ने आज डॉक्‍टरों से कहा कि वे डॉक्‍टर-मरीज संबंध मजबूत करने की जिम्‍मेदारी निभाए।
उन्‍होंने क‍हा, ‘एम्‍स, नई दिल्‍ली को उपचार के उच्‍चस्‍तर को बनाये रखना चाहिए | उन्होंने आज सुबह 9 बजे सबसे पहले बाल चिकित्सा आपातकालीन वार्ड और उसके बाद कैजुअल्टी और ओपीडी के सभी विभागों का निरीक्षण किया। उनके साथ एम्स के निदेशक प्रोफेसर एम.सी.मिश्रा, चिकित्सा अधीक्षक डॉक्टर डी.के.शर्मा और अन्य पदाधिकारी भी थे।
उन्होंने आपातकालीन विभाग में दो रेजीडेंट डाक्टरों की तैनाती को अपर्याप्त बताया |बड़ी संख्या में मरीज और उनके रिश्‍तेदार भी मंत्री के पास गए और उन्हें अपनी परेशानियाँ बतायी।
एम्‍स के निदेशक प्रो. मि‍श्रा ने घोषणा की‍ कि‍ पर्यावरण अनुसंधान संस्‍था (टेरी) ने इस वि‍शेष लक्ष्‍य को हासि‍ल करने के लि‍ए पहले ही काम शुरू कर दि‍या है। अस्‍पताल के अंदर प्रकाश फैलाने वाले डायोड (एलईडी) लैम्‍पों का खुले क्षेत्रों में सौर लैम्‍प पोस्‍ट का इस्‍तेमाल करके 30 प्रति‍शत तक ऊर्जा की बचत करने का लक्ष्‍य है।
नोबेल पुरस्‍कार वि‍जेता श्री राजेंद्र पचौरी की अध्‍यक्षता में गठित शीर्ष पर्यावरण परामर्शदायी संस्‍था (टेरी) ने एम्‍स में पानी की खपत को 50 प्रति‍शत कम करने और अस्‍पताल के शहरी गर्म द्वीप प्रभाव को कम से कम 3 डि‍ग्री सेंटीग्रेड कम करके सूक्ष्‍म स्‍तर पर लाने का लक्ष्‍य रखा है। ध्‍वनि‍ और धूल प्रदूषण को रोकने के लि‍ए भी कदम उठाए जाएंगे। प्रमाणीकरण के मानदंड एक अर्ध-सरकारी एजेंसी- गृह इंडि‍या द्वारा निर्धारित कि‍ए गए हैं।
फोटो कैप्शन
The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan visiting the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Hospital to review the sanitation drive in the hospitals of New Delhi, on June 12, 2014.