
Tag: American Democrates

मोदी भी क्या डेमोक्रेटिक हिलेरी को जितवाने में फूंक फूंक कर कदम बढ़ा रहे हैं ?

[वाशिंगटन,डीसी]भारत के प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने अपनी सातवीं अमेरिकी यात्रा के दौरान दो ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग किया है जिन पर चर्चा होना स्वाभाविक है|
अपने एक भाषण के दौरान मोदी ने यूंएसऐ में रहने वाले ३० लाख भारतीयों के लिए डेमोक्रेटिक इंडियन्स का प्रयोग किया |इसके अलावा कांग्रेस के संयुक्त सभा को सम्बोधित करते हुए उन्होंने अमेरिका के दिग्गज रहे स्वर्गीय अब्राहम लिंकन+ मार्टिन लूथर किंग के साथ ही वर्तमान राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा को भी उद्धत किया |
कहने को कहा जा सकता है और शायद कहा भी जाये के भारत एक डेमोक्रेटिक कंट्री है सो इसके नागरिक भी डेमोक्रेटिक ही कहे जाने चाहिए और अमेरिकन पार्लियामेंट में वहां के राष्ट्रपति को उद्धत नहीं करें तो क्या अपने विपक्षी कांग्रेस के प्रेजिडेंट को उद्धत जायेगा
जब वहां की राजनितिक पृष्ठभूमि पर नजर डालते हैं तो कुछ यूं दिखाई देता है
यूएस ऐ में चुनाव होने जा रहे हैं |वहां की दो मुख्य पार्टियां चुनावी समर में एक दूसरे को पछाड़ने में लगी हैं |
एक पार्टी का नाम रिपब्लिकन है इसके नेता डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प हैं तो दूसरी पार्टी को डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी कहा जाता है जिसकी अधिकृत उम्मीदवारी हिलेरी क्लिंटन को मिली हुई है |
हिलेरी वाइट हाउस में प्रथम महिला के रूप में रह चुकी हैं और भारतीय विदेश मंत्री श्रीमती सुषमा स्वराज के करीब भी मानी जाती है| यही डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी वर्तमान में सत्ता में भी हैं|
इसीलिए लगता है मोदी का प्रयोग करके डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी इंडियन्स को अपनी तरफ झुकाने का प्रयास कर सकती है |क्योंकि डेमोक्रेटिक इंडियन्स शब्द के उच्चारण होते ही समूचा हाल तालियों से गड़गड़ा उठा था
पार्लियामेंट में बराक ओबामा का जिक्र करने के अलावा मोदी ने वहां की राजनीती पर भी तंज किये |उन्होंने बढ़ी सधी भाषा में विपक्ष के अड़ियल रवैय्ये को घेरा |
बेशक उन्होंने इसे भारत की राजनीती से जोड़ दिया,लेकिन इस एक व्यंग से ऐसा सन्देश जा सकता है जिसका सीधे सीधे नुक्सान वहां के विपक्ष में बैठी रिपब्लिकन पार्टी को हो सकता है|वैसे भी ट्रम्प के भाषणों में भारतीय और बाहरी लोगों के विरोध के स्वर सुने जा रहे हैं |शायद इसीलिए चीन भी अपने ही कारणों से इस चुनाव में कूद चूका है|
रिपब्लिकन प्रत्याशी डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प के खिलाफ प्रचार में चीन ने टॉयलेट पेपर तक लांच कर दिया है|
भारत में चीन वाली स्थिति नहीं है शायद इसीलिए प्रधान मंत्री अपने मित्र बराक ओबामा की डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी को जितवाने में फूंक फूंक कर कदम बढ़ा रहे हैं
फोटो कैप्शन
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing the Joint Session of U.S. Congress, in Washington DC, USA on June 08, 2016.

Republican Bobby Lashed Out At Democratic Obama+Hillary Over Gay Marriage

[Washington DC]Republican Bobby Lashed Out At Democratic Obama+Hillary Over Gay Marriage
Republican Bobby[Piyush]Jindal Lashed Out At Democrat President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for their views on same sex marriage, alleging that they evolved their views based on opinion polls.
Indian-American Louisiana Governor Bobby[Piyush]Jindal said “Both the President and Hillary evolved their views because of opinion polls. They can read opinion polls just like the Supreme Court,” said Jindal, the 13th Republican aspirant to aim for the White House in 2016 election.
“My view of marriage is based on my Christian faith. No early court’s decision is going to change that. I think marriage is between a man and a woman,” Jindal,told ‘Meet the Press’ of NBC News in an interview yesterday.
Obama has said the ruling is a victory for America while Clinton also praised the landmark decision of the US Supreme Court which legalised same sex marriage, holding that gay people can get married in all 50 states of the country.

रिपब्लिकन बॉबी [पियूष]जिंदल ने समलैंगिक विवाह को कानूनी मान्यता देने पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट की आलोचना की

[वाशिंगटन डीसी]बॉबी (पियूष)जिंदल ने समलैंगिक विवाह को कानूनी मान्यता देने पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट की आलोचना की
समलैंगिक विवाह को कानूनी मान्यता दिए जाने पर बीते दिनों डेमोक्रेट्स शासित व्हाइट हाउस में रेनबो रंगों से खुशिया मनाई गई थी उसके पश्चात अब रिपब्लिकन्स ने सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के ही विरोध में झंडा उठा लिया है |
लुसियाना के भारतीय अमेरिकी गर्वनर बॉबी [पियूष]जिंदल ने समलैंगिक विवाह को कानूनी मान्यता देने और स्वास्थ्य सेवा कानून बरकरार रखने से जुड़े दो ऐतिहासिक फैसलों के लिए अमेरिकी सुप्रीम कोर्ट की आलोचनाकी है और सर्वोच्च न्यायिक संस्था से ‘निजात’ पाने का आह्वान किया है|
2016 में होने वाले अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति पद के चुनाव के लिए रिपब्लिकन पार्टी के 13वें दावेदार जिंदल ने कहा, ‘‘सुप्रीम कोर्ट पूरी तरह बेकाबू हो गया है, खुद ही कानून बना रहा है और न्यायिक संस्था की बजाए एक जनमत सर्वेक्षण बन गया है।’’ उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘अगर हम कुछ पैसे बचाना चाहते हैं तो हमें इस कोर्ट से निजात पा लेनी चाहिए।’’ जिंदल ने कहा कि समलैंगिक विवाह पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश ने विवाह नाम की संस्था को मूलभूत रूप से नयी परिभाषा दी है।
उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘एक पुरूष और महिला के बीच विवाह ईश्वर ने स्थापित किया है और दुनिया की कोई भी अदालत इसे बदल नहीं सकती।’’ जिंदल ने दलील दी कि समलैंगिक शादी का बचाव करने से धार्मिक लोगों के खिलाफ भेदभाव का रास्ता खुलेगा जो इसका विरोध करते हैं।
गौरतलब है कि अमेरिकी सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कल समलैंगिक विवाह को कानूनी मान्यता देते हुए कहा था कि समलैंगिक लोग देश के सभी 50 प्रांतों में विवाह कर सकते हैं।

Tulsi Gabbard And Rajnath Singh Jointly Condemned Inhuman Killing In Peshawar School

Tulsi Gabard[New Delhi]Ms.Tulsi Gabbard And Rajnath Singh Jointly Condemned Inhuman Killing of Students In Peshawar School
The sole Hindu member of the U.S. Congress and Ruling Democrat from Hawaii,Today,called on the Union Home Minister Of India Shri Rajnath Singh and discussed broad range of issues with the Union Home Minister, including terrorism and cyber security.
The two leaders jointly condemned the brutal killing of school children in Peshawar.
Ms. Tulsi Gabbard informed Shri Rajnath Singh about the positive environment in US for the new government in India and mentioned that the two countries have greater potential for mutual cooperation in the field of security.She has Also discussed Various Issues with Prime Minister sh Narendra Modi And smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi
Photo Caption
The Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Ms. Tulsi Gabbard calls on the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, in New Delhi on December 18, 2014.

Democrat Bear Barack ,In U S A ,is Still On the loose

Democrat Bear In U S A is Still On the loose.
Going all the way back to the early days of the campaign, whenever President Obama shook off his schedule and busted out of the bubble, we would say “the Bear is loose.”
Lately, the Bear has been loose a lot, and this week will be no different. The President is hitting the road on a three-day swing to Colorado and Texas, where he will meet with Americans who’ve written him letters and whose stories – their challenges and successes – resonate with folks from across the country.
While congressional Republicans continue to block votes on important issues like equal pay and the minimum wage and undertake taxpayer-funded political stunts like Speaker Boehner’s plan to sue the President for doing his job, the President will continue to do everything in his power – with and without Congress – to create economic opportunity for all Americans.
The day after the State of the Union, a woman named Alex received a raise, allowing her to pay rent and afford groceries without worry. Alex’s boss was inspired by the President’s call and increased her wage right away. Earlier this year, Alex wrote the President to say “thank you.”
Tonight, the President will deliver his reply in person when he meets Alex for dinner in Denver. And tomorrow, she’ll introduce the President before his remarks in Denver.
On Thursday in Austin, TX, the President will highlight the actions his Administration has taken – more than 40 since January – to benefit hardworking Americans. From helping to create new manufacturing jobs, to expanding apprenticeships and job training, and from making student loan payments more affordable, to cutting carbon pollution, the President’s used his pen and phone on behalf of folks all across the country.
We’ve come a long way since President Obama took office. Thanks to the grit and resilience of the American people, we’ve made progress and there’s reason to be optimistic. Last week, our latest jobs report showed that we’ve undergone the fastest job growth in the United States in the first half of the year since 1999, with five consecutive months of job growth over 200,000. Yet we know there’s still much more to do.

Source :White House

Barack Obama Says Economy Grows Best from Middle-out And Not From Top Down

While Attacking His Opponent Republicans Budget Theory, President Barack Obama Says That Economy Does not Grow Best From the Top-Down; it Grows Best from the Middle-out
In this week’s address, the President highlighted the important differences between the budget he’s put forward – built on opportunity for all – and the budget House Republicans are advocating for, which stacks the deck against the middle class. While the President is focused on building lasting economic security and ensuring that hardworking Americans have the opportunity to get ahead, President Says ”
Republicans are advancing the same old top-down approach of cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans and slashing important investments in education, infrastructure, and research and development
Today, our economy is growing and our businesses are consistently generating new jobs. But decades-long trends still threaten the middle class. While those at the top are doing better than ever, too many Americans are working harder than ever, but feel like they can’t get ahead.That’s why the budget I sent Congress earlier this year is built on the idea of opportunity for all. It will grow the middle class and shrink the deficits we’ve already cut in half since I took office”.
It’s an opportunity agenda with four goals. Number one is [1]creating more good jobs that pay good wages. Number two is [2]training more Americans with the skills to fill those jobs. Number three is[3] guaranteeing every child access to a great education. And number four is [4]making work pay – with wages you can live on, savings you can retire on, and health care that’s there for you when you need it.
Obama Alleges “This week, the Republicans in Congress put forward a very different budget. And it does just the opposite: it shrinks opportunity and makes it harder for Americans who work hard to get ahead.
The Republican budget begins by handing out massive tax cuts to households making more than $1 million a year. Then, to keep from blowing a hole in the deficit, they’d have to raise taxes on middle-class families with kids. Next, their budget forces deep cuts to investments that help our economy create jobs, like education and scientific research.
Now, they won’t tell you where these cuts will fall. But compared to my budget, if they cut everything evenly, then within a few years, about 170,000 kids will be cut from early education programs. About 200,000 new mothers and kids will be cut off from programs to help them get healthy food. Schools across the country will lose funding that supports 21,000 special education teachers. And if they want to make smaller cuts to one of these areas, that means larger cuts in others.
Unsurprisingly, the Republican budget also tries to repeal the Affordable Care Act – even though that would take away health coverage from the more than seven million Americans who’ve done the responsible thing and signed up to buy health insurance.

Republican Congressmen Enjoyed the holidays and let One Million Americans Without Income :Obama

American Democrat President Barack Obama Advocated Extension Of Emergency Unemployment Insurance For One Million Unemployed Americans
In His Weekly Address Obama Said That Congress should act to extend emergency unemployment insurance for more than one million Americans who have lost this vital economic lifeline while looking for a job. Letting emergency unemployment insurance expire not only harms American families, but it is also a drag on the overall economy.
President Obama urged ” both parties to pass the bipartisan three-month extension under consideration in the Senate so that we can once again focus on expanding opportunities for the middle class and creating jobs for all hardworking Americans”
Obama Said “This is a time when we look ahead to all the possibilities and opportunities of the year to come – when we resolve to better ourselves, and to better our relationships with one another. And today, I want to talk about one place that Washington should start – a place where we can make a real and powerful difference in the lives of many of our fellow Americans right now.
Just a few days after Christmas, more than one million of our fellow Americans lost a vital economic lifeline – the temporary insurance that helps folks make ends meet while they look for a job.”
While Attacking Opposition Obama Said ” Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire. And for many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, that decision will leave them with no income at all.
We make this promise to one another because it makes a difference to a mother who needs help feeding her kids while she’s looking for work; to a father who needs help paying the rent while learning the skills to get a new and better job. And denying families that security is just plain cruel. We’re a better country than that. We don’t abandon our fellow Americans when times get tough – we keep the faith with them until they start that new job.”
“So when Congress comes back to work this week, their first order of business should be making this right. Right now, a bipartisan group in Congress is working on a three-month extension of unemployment insurance – and if they pass it, I will sign it. For decades, Republicans and Democrats put partisanship and ideology aside to offer some security for job-seekers, even when the unemployment rate was lower than it is today. Instead of punishing families who can least afford it, Republicans should make it their New Year’s resolution to do the right thing, and restore this vital economic security for their constituents right now.
After all, our focus as a country this year shouldn’t be shrinking our economy, but growing it; not narrowing opportunity, but expanding it; not fewer jobs, but doing everything we can to help our businesses create more of the good jobs that a growing middle class requires”.
President Said “That’s my New Year’s resolution – to do everything I can, every single day, to help make 2014 a year in which more of our citizens can earn their own piece of the American Dream.
After five years of working and sacrificing to recover and rebuild from crisis, we have it within our power, right now, to move this country forward. It’s entirely up to us. And I’m optimistic for the year that lies ahead”.

President Barack Obama Broken the silence,stretched hands for compromise and Explained the Shutdown

President Barack Obama Broken the silence , stretched hands for compromise and Explained the Shutdown
America Is suffering the shutdown since last eight days.
President Obama today showed some liberal views and spoke from the White House about the need for Republicans in Congress to stop threatening another recession just to sabotage Obamacare.
Obama said “stop demanding ransom just for doing their jobs, and just vote to reopen the government” He talked about the toll this shutdown is already taking on the country and the economy, and warned against the dire consequences of a default if Congress doesn’t act to prevent an economic shutdown.
Keeping the government running and paying the nation’s bills aren’t bargaining chips or a matter of negotiation – they’re a fundamental part of Congress’s job. Here’s how the President put it yesterday:
“If you’re in negotiations around buying somebody’s house, you don’t get to say, ‘Well, let’s talk about the price I’m going to pay, and if you don’t give the price then I’m going to burn down your house.’ That’s not how negotiations work. In the same way, members of Congress — and the House Republicans in particular — don’t get to demand ransom in exchange for doing their jobs. And two of their very basic jobs are passing a budget and making sure that America is paying its bills.”
As the President has made clear — and the press has reported — the government could be reopened, today, with the votes of reasonable Republicans and Democrats if Tea Party Republicans would allow a simple yes-or-no vote on a Senate-passed compromise bill to fund the United States government. It’s time for Congress to just vote and end this government shutdown now.
Courtesy :White House