
Tag: Dr. Margaret Chan

भारत १९ वर्ष बाद बना 68वीं विश्‍व स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य सभा(डब्‍ल्‍यूएचए)का अध्‍यक्ष

[नई दिल्ली]भारत बना 68वीं विश्‍व स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य सभा (डब्‍ल्‍यूएचए) का अध्‍यक्ष| यह विश्‍व स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य संगठन की सर्वोच्‍च निर्णायक संस्‍था है |
केंद्रीय स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य और परिवार कल्‍याण मंत्री जगत प्रकाश नड्डा जिनेवा में विश्‍व स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य सभा (डब्‍ल्‍यूएचए) की 68वीं बैठक की अध्‍यक्षता करेंगे।
भारत 19 वर्ष बाद विश्‍व स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य संगठन की सर्वोच्‍च निर्णायक संस्‍था डब्‍ल्‍यूएचए का अध्‍यक्ष चुना गया है। डब्‍ल्‍यूएचए की बैठक 18 से 27 मई 2015 को जिनेवा में होगी। श्री नड्डा के नेतृत्‍व में एक उच्‍चस्‍तरीय भारतीय शिष्‍टमंडल बैठक में भाग लेने रवाना हो गया है।
विश्व स्तरीय इस सभा में माइक्रोबायलरोधी रेजिस्‍टेन्‍स+वायु प्रदूषण+स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य+विश्‍व स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य आपात तैयारी+निगरानी+वैश्विक रणनीति+सार्वजनिक स्‍वास्‍थ पर कार्य योजना+नवाचार तथा बौद्धिक संपदा +अछूती लाक्षणिक बीमारियों में अनुसंधान एवं विकास विषय पर विचार-विमर्श किया जाएगा।

President Pranab Mukherjee Inaugurated , 31st meeting of Ministers of Health and 66th session of the WHO Regional committee for South East Asia

President Pranab Mukherjee Inaugurated ,Today, 31st meeting of Ministers of Health and 66th session of the WHO Regional committee for South East Asia and Highlighted The Need For the accessibility of Ideal healthcare delivery system to all in the Region.
The President Shri Mukherjee inaugurated the 31st meeting of Ministers of Health and Sixty-sixth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia at Rashtrapati Bhavan today (September 10, 2013) and congratulated Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General, World Health Organization for her untiring efforts in pursuing the ‘health for all’ policies, to make it a global agenda and for her commitment to the cause of public health in the international community of nations.
In His Speech Shri Mukherjee said “This international platform at the regional level is crucial for this region since it houses 1.79 billion people, which is 26.4 percent of the global population. 46% of the population in this region is living below poverty line. A significant portion of the disease burden in this region, more than 28%, arises from communicable diseases, maternal and perinatal conditions and nutritional deficiencies which are closely knitted with poverty.
The data also reveals that South East Asia Region has more than 27% of global disease burden due to Non-Communicable Diseases which indicates the increasing prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases in the region.
It is also a matter of concern that South East Asia region registers the lowest total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product (3.8%) and per capita total expenditure on health as per World Health Statistics 2009, with 84.4% out of pocket expenditure.
In this background,President said , I am sure that the meeting of the Health Ministers of the region followed by the session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia would map the way forward for the entire Region, and would throw up broad agreements and the desired joint commitment on important initiatives and strategies.
Speaking on the occasion, the President said that he was sure that the meeting of the Health Ministers of the Region followed by the session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia would map the way forward for the entire Region. He said that it is an urgent necessity to build a conducive environment to ensure the highest quality of health for the people of the Region. However, this needs a multi-dimensional approach on the part of the respective Governments.
The President said that an ideal healthcare delivery system should be accessible to all in the Region. It is important that the countries in the Region strengthen their health systems based on the primary health care approach – focusing on public health including prevention and promotion activities; using appropriate technologies; and based on domestic resources as far as possible. He said that strategic investments in medical education and training would be needed to enhance the availability of scientifically credible professionals for all communities. He stated that the existing inefficiencies in the supply chain and logistics management of drugs and vaccines should also be addressed on a priority basis. Strengthening of institutional mechanisms for community participation in oversight and governance of health at multiple levels – rural and urban – would also be crucial.
Dignitaries present on the occasion were Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, Health Minister, Indonesia, Ms. Santosh Chowdhary, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare and Dr. Margaret Chan, DG, WHO.
Photo Caption
[1] The President, Shri Pranab Mukherjee at the inauguration of the ‘31st Meeting of Ministers of Health of Countries of the WHO South-East Asia Region and 66th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia, at Rashtrapati Bhavan, in New Delhi on September 10, 2013.
The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, the Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Smt. Santosh Chowdhary and other dignitaries are also seen.