
Tag: Ebola Virus

United States 24th Secretary Of Defense ,Republican Chuck Hagel Steps Down

[Washington DC] United States 24th Defense Secretary ,Republican Chuck Hagel Steps Down
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced today that he would be stepping down from his position overseeing the Department of Defense. Hagel, He served in the Army during Vietnam, Out Going Secretary is the 24th Secretary of Defense.
Speaking from the State Dining Room of the White House, President Obama noted that Secretary Hagel has helped to oversee a significant period of transition for both the Pentagon and the country:
President Obama Said “The draw-down in Afghanistan, the need to prepare our forces for future missions and tough fiscal choices to keep our military strong and ready. Over nearly two years, Chuck has been an exemplary Defense Secretary, providing a steady hand as we modernized our strategy and budget to meet long-term threats, while still responding to immediate challenges like ISIL and Ebola. Thanks to Chuck, our military is on a firmer footing, engaged in these missions and looking ahead to the future”.
Democrat President also spoke on Republican Secretary Hagel’s military background, and what it meant for his time at the Department of Defense. “He understands our men and women like few others, because he’s stood where they stood, he’s been in the dirt and he’s been in the mud, and that’s established a special bond, the President said. “He sees himself in them and they see themselves in him. And their safety, their lives, have always been at the center of Chuck’s service.”
After the President thanked the Secretary for his service and his friendship, Hagel reflected on his service from the podium:
As the President noted I have today submitted my resignation as Secretary of Defense. It’s been the greatest privilege of my life; the greatest privilege of my life to lead and most important, to serve — to serve with the men and women of the Defense Department and support their families.
Chuck Hagel Is United States Secretary of Defense, since February 2013. He served as United States Senator from Nebraska from 1997 to 2009.

First Quarantined Ebola Victim Of India Declared Symptom Free But Still Under Observation

[New Delhi]First Quarantined Ebola Victim Of India Declared Negative
First Ebola Victim Quarantined In India Is Declared Negative
In a Press Note on Ebola Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has stated that The 26 year old male, Indian, who had undergone Ebola treatment in Liberia and presently quarantined at Airport Health Organization Quarantine Centre, New Delhi continues to be symptom free.
His urine and saliva samples tested at National Centre for Disease Control on 21/11/2014 have been found negative for Ebola Virus. However, he would continue to remain in this quarantine facility till all his samples are tested negative.
Union Secretary (Health & Family Welfare) Lov Verma held video conference with Principal Secretaries of twenty four (24) States / Union Territories (UTs).
The need to strengthen surveillance at ports and airports was emphasized. States were informed that Central Teams would again be visiting designated Ports and Airports to review the passenger screening.
The Principal Secretaries of States/UTs were also requested to conduct surprise checks of the Airports to identify gaps in screening, if any.
As States have now trained master trainers, States were asked to conduct training of District Rapid Response Teams. A special mention was made to sensitize private practitioners and members of mass media. Further the States were requested to conduct mock drills involving the airports and isolation facilities and in particular on donning and taking off personal protective equipments.

“इबोला” के लिए स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय रक्षा+नागरिक उड्डयन मंत्रालयों की सहायता भी लेगा

[नई दिल्ली]”इबोला” के लिए स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय रक्षा+नागरिक उड्डयन मंत्रालयों की सहायता भी लेगा
श्री जे पी नड्डा की अध्यक्षता में आयोजित बैठक में वैश्विक चुनौती के रूप में उभरी “इबोला” पर अंतर मंत्रालय समीक्षा की गई
इससे निबटने के लिए आवश्यक तैयारियों में तेजी लाने और इबोला के प्रबंधन को मजबूत बनाने के निर्देश दिए गए |गौरतलब है कि दिल्ली एयर पोर्ट पर जांच के दौरान एक यात्री को इबोला पोसिटिव पाया गया है |
केंद्रीय स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य और परिवार कल्‍याण मंत्री जगत प्रकाश नड्डा ने पश्चिम अफ्रीका में इबोला वायरस की बीमारी फैलने से उत्‍पन्‍न स्थिति की नयी दिल्‍ली में अंतर मंत्रालय बैठक में समीक्षा की। विदेश और जहाजरानी मंत्रालय और नागर विमानन महानिदेशालय, जैव प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग, स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य अनुसंधान विभाग, पशुपालन विभाग, राष्‍ट्रीय आपदा प्रबंधन ब्‍यूरो, सशस्‍त्र बल चिकित्‍सा सेवाएं, अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्‍थान, केंद्र सरकार के अस्‍पतालों, एनसीडीसी, विश्‍व स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य संगठन और सीडीसी वैश्विक रोग पहचान क्षेत्रीय केंद्र और स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य परिवार कल्‍याण मंत्रालय के वरिष्‍ठ अधिकारी बैठक में शामिल हुए।
स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य मंत्री ने निर्देश दिए कि हवाई अड्डों पर स्‍थापित संदिग्‍ध मरीजों को अलग-थलग रखे जाने की सुविधाओं के लिए सभी मानक दिशा निर्देशों का पालन सुनिश्चित किया जाना चाहिए। उन्‍होंने कहा कि हवाई अड्डों पर इस व्‍यवस्‍था में खामियों का पता लगाने के लिए तीन सदस्‍यीय दलों का गठन किया जाएगा। इसमें स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य और नागर विमानन मंत्रालय तथा उत्‍प्रवास से संबंधित अधिकारी शामिल होंगे। ये दल एक सप्‍ताह के भीतर अपनी रिपोर्ट पेश करेगा।
यात्रियों की जांच और तलाशी में जुटे सभी पक्षों को जागरूक बनाये जाने पर भी जोर दिया गया
स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य मंत्री ने कहा कि हवाई अड्डों के अलावा बंदरगाहों पर भी की जा रही निगरानी को मजबूत बनाना होगा। उन्‍होंने बंदरगाहों पर निगरानी सुविधा से संबंधित कामकाज की विस्‍तृत रिपोर्ट प्रस्‍तुत करने को भी कहा।
वास्‍थ्‍य मंत्री ने प्रयोगशाला सुविधाओं का महत्‍व बताते हुए कहा कि इस महीने के अंत तक 10 शीर्ष प्रयोगशालाओं को मजबूत बनाने की जरूरत है। एक अन्‍य शीर्ष क्षमता यानी अस्‍पताल की संवेदनशीलता के बारे में उन्‍होंने संबंधित पक्षों से इबोला वायरस रोग जैसी नई उभरती बीमारियों के अल्‍पकालिक और दीर्घकालिक चिकित्‍सा प्रबंधन की रणनीति विकसित करने को कहा।
श्री नड्डा ने स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य मंत्रालय के अधिकारियों से विशेषज्ञ दलों का गठन करने को कहा जो राज्‍यों में जाकर निर्धारित अस्‍पतालों में तैयारी पर रिपोर्ट देंगे। उन्‍होंने कहा कि राज्‍यों क्षमता निर्माण के लिए मिलकर काम किए जाने की आवश्‍यकता है। उन्‍होंने यह भी कहा कि चिकित्‍सकों और अर्धचिकित्‍सकों के प्रशिक्षण को निरंतर जारी रखा जाना चाहिए।
स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य मंत्री ने कहा कि आवश्‍यकता पड़ने पर रक्षा मंत्रालय के पास उपलब्‍ध बड़ी संख्‍या में चिकित्‍साकर्मियों का इस्‍तेमाल किया जा सकता है। उन्‍होंने यह प्रस्‍ताव भी किया कि इबोला के लिए क्षमता निर्माण की प्रक्रिया रक्षा मंत्रालय के तहत चिकित्‍सकों और नर्सों के लिए भी शुरू की जानी चाहिए ताकि उन्‍हें इबोला जैसी आपात स्थिति से निपटने के लिए सक्षम बनाया जा सके।

Barack Obama Called on International Community to Join Against ISIL+ Ebola+Aggression

Barack Obama Called on International Community to Join Against ISIL+ Ebola+Aggression
American President Barack Obama Called on the International Community to Join the U.S. in Meeting the Challenges Of ISIL+ Ebola+Aggression
President Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
The President spoke about the problems that demand the urgent attention of the international community-
[1]from the Ebola outbreak in parts of West Africa, to
[2]Russian aggression in Ukraine, to the
[3]senseless brutality of ISIL terrorists threatening innocent lives.Obama Also
[4] Expressed Concern Over Crime In U S A Also.
Obama Said “We choose hope over fear. We see the future not as something out of our control, but as something we can shape for the better through concerted and collective effort,” he said.
Addressing international community Obama Said Peace is not merely the absence of war, but the presence of a better life.
Bringing the world, especially Muslim communities, together to explicitly, forcefully, and consistently reject the ideology of terrorists, in part by committing to a new set of principles to reject intolerance and extremism in the education of our children”
Addressing Young Muslim World Obama Said “I’d like to speak directly to young people across the Muslim world. You come from a great tradition that stands for education, not ignorance; innovation, not destruction; the dignity of life, not murder. Those who call you away from this path are betraying this tradition, not defending it. And America Will Not Give Up on the Pursuit of Peace
Obama Suggested Following Measures For Isolation Of terrorist group ISIL
[1] Degrading and ultimately destroying the terrorist group ISIL
[2]Bringing the world, especially Muslim communities, together to explicitly, forcefully, and consistently reject the ideology of terrorists, in part by committing to a new set of principles to reject intolerance and extremism in the education of our children
[3]Addressing the cycle of conflict that creates the conditions terrorists prey upon
[4]Ensuring that Arab and Muslim countries focus on the extraordinary potential of their people — a chance that is possible and doesn’t need to come at the expense of tradition
He noted, however, that our country has also failed to live up to our ideals. Ferguson, Missouri — where a young man was killed and a community was divided — brought America’s racial and ethnic tensions before the world:

To Prevent Entry Of Ebola virus ,Directives Are Issued to All Airlines

To Prevent Deadly Ebola virus entry in India, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has issued directives to all airlines operating on international routes.
The airlines have been asked to take following precautionary measures with immediate effect:
(i) In flight announcement for self-reporting by travellers who have any signs or symptoms of EVD. The copy of the announcement was provided to them;
(ii) Self-reporting by travellers who suffer any signs or symptoms of EVD to APHO/medical unit for travelers; and
(iii) Travellers on flights to be given the health-form for submitting information regarding visit to any affected country during last 21 days and having symptoms of EVD during travel or on arrival.
A copy of the proforma alongwith a copy of “Advisory for Airlines on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)” and “Advisory for specific public health measures for travellers suspected of EVD” has also been provided to airlines.
Airlines are asked to arrange distribution of the proforma to all the passengers and crew members before they disembark in India.
The airlines have been directed to keep a record of all passengers or families who are returning to India after staying or visiting West African countries (mainly the four affected countries) and to inform the details to DDG(IH) and concerned Airport Health Officers.