
Obama ,in Wake of California Shooting,Reiterates His Call for Gun Reforms

[Washington] President Barack Obama ,in Wake of California Shooting,Reiterates His Call for Gun Reforms
U S President Barack Obama has condemned the California shooting that killed 14 people and injured 17,
In the past few years the US has been experiencing a series of tragic mass shooting, the frequency of which has increased.
Obama said the current law which lets anyone buy gun off the shelf without any background check needs to change. The Republican controlled Congress has refused to change the law.
He reiterated his call to the lawmakers to come together “on a bipartisan basis” to make Americans safer.
In San Bernardino, California where the mass shooting took place, the police shot dead two suspects a man and a woman. Both were wearing combat-style clothing.
They were killed in a exchange of fire in a street lined with homes. A third suspect has been apprehended. The police has so far refused to define this specifically as terrorism, but have not fully ruled it out.