
Barack Obama Will Answer Questions Of Homeowners, Renters, and Prospective Buyers

Barack Obama Will Answer Questions Of Homeowners, Renters, and Prospective BuyersTomorrow
President of U S A Barack Obama is traveling to Phoenix, Arizona today and providing help to responsible homeowners and those who seek to own their own homes as the next cornerstone of a strong middle class in America.Apart from this tour President has assured that he will be available on line and answer the questions relating to real estate market place.President Obama has uploaded an Short video reminding countrymen that he will answer the questions on Wednesday august 7 at 1 P M E T
President will answer questions submitted by homeowners, renters, and prospective buyers during a conversation moderated by Zillow’s CEO Spencer Rascoff.Yahoo Will Be The Media partner.As per Obama care President is promoting Middle class based Economy.