
Tag: Net Neutrality In USA

Barack Obama’s Election Promise For Free Net Neutrality,After 8 Years,Is Fulfilled

[Washington DC]Barack Obama’s Election Promise For Free Net Neutrality Is Fulfilled After 8 Years
The FCC Has voted in favor of a strong net neutrality rule to keep the internet open and free.
In 2007 Then-Senator Barack Obama pledged support for net neutrality to protect a free and open Internet if elected President
Now The FCC has just voted in favor of a strong net neutrality rule to keep the Internet open and free.
President Obama In his Thank you message said
That happened, in part, because millions of Americans across the country didn’t just care about this issue
You stood up and made your voices heard, whether by adding your names to petitions, submitting public comments, or talking with the people you know about why this matters.
special thank-you message from the President,