
Tag: Quami Ekta Saptah

Nation Will UnderTake National Integration Pledge Tomorrow :National Integration Week Wef 19Th Nov.

National Integration Week Or Quami Ekta Saptah Will Be observed [Like every year] all across the India from 19th to 25th of November. This Celebration Will start with the National Integration Pledge.
With a view to foster and reinforce the spirit of Communal Harmony, National Integration and pride in vibrant, composite culture and
The National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH), an autonomous organization with the Ministry of Home Affairs also organizes communal harmony campaign coinciding with the Qaumi Ekta Week.
.Quami Ekta Week is celebrated every year to promote the unity in the country of diversity around Languages+ religions+states and numerous tribes. It is celebrated to highlight the value and role of women in nation building. It is highly focused to raise the social status of the woman through various programs. General public should aware and understand the issues of both gender equality and rights in the country.
. During This whole week various programmes are held related to the specific theme of each day celebrations. Some of the programs like meetings+ cultural activities +seminars+ symposia+ particular legendary functions are held to highlight the themes Like national integration+secularism+ non-violence+ linguistic harmony+ anti-communalism+ cultural unity+ development of weaker sections, well being of minorities+ issues of woman Etc.