
Tag: Social Media In American Politics

Social Media Is Invited from White House For Sixth State of Union address By Obama

[Washington DC]President Barack Obama To deliver his sixth State of the Union address from the Capitol On Tuesday, January 20,– Live participation From Social Media Is Invited from the White House.
Today,White House announced – a chance for social media followers to join in-person events, engage with administration officials, and share their experience with their friends.
.Jenna Brayton is an Associate Director of Content in the White House Office of Digital Strategy.

American President Obama Invited Social Media Followers In White House

President Obama Realizes The Importance Of Role Of Social Media In Politics So They Have Invited Social Media Followers.
On Tuesday, January 28th, President Barack Obama will deliver his fifth State of the Union Address from the Capitol. at the White House, It Has Been Stated In Her Blog By Kasie Coccaro Of White House That “we’ll be hosting our third State of the Union Social event. This event is part of a series of “White House Socials” that invite our social media followers to join in-person events, engage with administration officials, and share their experience with their friends. Use the hashtag #SOTUSocial to discuss the event online, and help get the word out.
This event is an opportunity for our followers on social media to watch President Obama’s State of the Union Address live from the White House, and then participate in a panel with senior staff to discuss the vision and policies laid out in the speech.
Courtesy White House