
Tag: Week

Joe Biden Reiterates Economic Up gradation Of Middle Class

American Vice President Joe Biden Reiterates Economic Up gradation Of Middle Class
Joe Biden, filling in for President Barack Obama,discussed economic recovery claiming creation of 10 million private sector jobs over 54 straight months
American President Barack Obama is Attending NATO Summit in Wales So Vice President Joe Biden Filled week’s address. He Reiterated Democratic Party,s Stand For Up gradation Of Middle Class
As the Vice President explains, there’s more that can be done to continue to bolster economy and ensure that middle class families benefit from the growth they helped create, including closing tax loopholes, expanding education opportunities, and raising the minimum wage
Economy Of U S A Is added 10 million jobs; the country celebrated 50 years of environmental conservation; and the Vice President Admits That Yet even with this good news, too many Americans are still not seeing the effects of Economic recovery.