
White House Claims 1.4 % Fall In the Rate of Unemployment

White House has proudly announced that Barack Obama Govt has added 9.7 Million Jobs just over 52 Straight Months where as 262000 private sector jobs are added in the month of june only
Report Says ” The latest jobs report came out this morning, and we’re seeing some encouraging trends:
1.4 million jobs were added in the first half of this year”
This is the most in any first half since 1999
Private employment has increased for 52 consecutive months — the longest streak on record
The unemployment rate has fallen 1.4 percentage points over the past year
Which is the sharpest year-over-year decline in nearly three decades
June marked the fifth straight month that the U.S. has added more then 200000 jobs
9.7 million private sector jobs were added in the past 52 months