
Tag: Arlington National Cemetery

USA Recalls1%Uniformed Veterans,Heart+soul+Spine Of Nation:Veterans Day

[Washington DC]Vice President Joe Biden Recalls Veterans,heart and soul & spine of U S A And
thanks to All veterans, Still In Service Or Not
Veterans Day,is observed in the Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery, on 11 November
, Vice President Joe Biden visited Arlington National Cemetery and took part in a ceremony to honor America’s veterans.
After laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, he delivered remarks in which he thanked nation’s veterans for their service to bravely and faithfully protect freedom
Honoring Veterans VP Said , less than 1 % of America’s population serves in uniform, but more than 99 % of Americans owe that 1 % much more than we could ever repay. We owe them, and we owe their sons and daughters, husbands and wives, too.
.The Vice President also sent a message to the White House email list this afternoon, in which he explained that “it’s our sacred obligation” to care for our troops not only when they go to war, but also when they return home.