
Tag: American President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama ,Commemorating Labor Day, Ensured Opportunities for Dedicated Hard workers

President Barack Obama ,Commemorating Labor Day, Ensured Promotions for Hardworkers
[WASHINGTON,DC]— President Barack Obama ,In his weekly address,spoke about Labor Day and reflected on the contributions of the working men and women in the country. The President said that by recommitting ourselves to the values of working Americans and coming together with common purpose, we can ensure that everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead.
President said This Labor Day weekend, as we gather with family and friends, we’ll also come together as a nation to honor some of our own – the working men and women of America who, across the generations, built this country up and helped make us who we are today. On coming Monday, We’ll pay tribute to the values working Americans embody – hard work; responsibility; sacrifice; looking out for one another. And we’ll recommit ourselves to their cause; to securing for them a better bargain so that everyone who works hard in America has a chance to get ahead.
President Obama Reminded his govt’s achievements ,commitments and said See, over the past four and a half years, we’ve fought our way back from the worst recession of our lifetimes. And thanks to the grit and resilience of the American people, we’ve begun to lay a foundation for stronger, more durable economic growth. But as any working family will tell you, we’re not where we need to be.
For over a decade, working Americans have seen their wages and incomes stagnate, even as corporate profits soar and the pay of a fortunate few explodes. For even longer than that, inequality has steadily risen; the journey of upward mobility has become harder. And in too many communities across this country, the shadow of poverty continues to cast a pall over our fellow citizens.
Reversing that trend needs to be Washington’s highest priority. It’s certainly mine. That’s why, over the past month, I’ve traveled all across America, laying out my ideas for how we can build on the cornerstones of what it means to be middle class.
A good job that pays a good wage. A good education. A home of your own. Health care when you get sick. A secure retirement even if you’re not rich. And more chances for folks to earn their way into the middle class as long as they’re willing to work for it.
The truth is, it’s not going to be easy to reverse the forces that have conspired – for decades – against working Americans. But if we take a few bold steps – and if Washington is able to come together with common purpose and common resolve – we’ll get there. Our economy will keep getting stronger and more Americans will be able to join the ranks of the middle-class.
So this Labor Day, while you’re out there grilling in the backyard, or taking that final trip for the summer, I hope you’ll also take a moment to reflect on the many contributions of our working men and women. For generations, it was the great American middle class that made our economy the envy of the world. And as long as I’m President, I’m going to keep fighting to make sure that happens again.

President Obama appointed Donald Booth a new Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan

Ambassador Donald Booth will be the new U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan.He Is committed to pursuing peace between and within Sudan and South Sudan. He will ensure the uninterrupted flow of oil also.
President Obama ,today,appointed Donald Booth a new Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan.
Donald Booth is a former U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, Zambia, and Liberia,
Ambassador Booth is one of most experienced diplomats and has extensive experience promoting peace and prosperity across the African continent. He is seasoned, determined, and deeply committed to pursuing peace between and within Sudan and South Sudan.
As the President Obama told Ambassador Booth today during their meeting in the Oval Office, supporting peace between and within Sudan and South Sudan remains a priority for this Administration. As Ambassador Booth carries forward this important work on behalf of the United States, he does so with the President’s full support.
Ambassador Booth will spearhead U.S. efforts to press the parties to implement last year’s September 27 agreements and resolve their outstanding issues, including with respect to borders, the final status of Abyei, and ensuring the uninterrupted flow of oil.
He will also lead U S efforts to bring the conflicts in Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan, and Darfur to a peaceful end, and to promote inclusive governance and full respect for human rights in both states.
Photo Caption
President Barack Obama & Ambassador Donald Booth, Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan, in the Oval Office, Aug. 28, 2013. Courtesy White House

Higher education is not a luxury but an economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford.President Obama

President Obama Said that Higher education is not a luxury but it is an economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford. President Barack Obama , In his weekly address,noted that while college education has never been more important, it has also never been more expensive. That’s why major new reforms are proposed to make college more affordable for middle class families and those fighting to get into the middle class.
The President’s bold plan would tie federal financial aid to the value and opportunity that colleges provide students, encourage innovation and competition, and help Americans manage their existing student debt by allowing everyone to cap monthly payments at 10 % of their discretionary income. The President acknowledged that these reforms won’t be popular with everyone – especially those who benefit from the status quo – but we have to shake up the current system because the path we’re on is simply unsustainable.
President said that students and families and taxpayers cannot just keep subsidizing college costs that keep going up and up. Not when the average student now graduates more than $26,000 in debt.
We cannot price the middle class out of a college education. That’s why I proposed major new reforms to make college more affordable and make it easier for folks to pay for their education.
Higher education shouldn’t be a luxury, or a roll of the dice; it’s an economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford.
Courtesy White House

महंगी होती जा रही शिक्षा में सुधार लाने के लिए प्रेजिडेंट बराक ओबामा ने बुफ्फ्लो यूनिवर्सिटी का दौरा किया

बेतहाशा महंगी होती जा रही शिक्षा के छेत्र में सुधार लाने के लिए प्रेजिडेंट बराक ओबामा ने बुफ्फ्लो[ Buffalo, ] यूनिवर्सिटी का दौरा किया और उच्च शिक्षा की बढती जा रही कीमतों के विरुद्ध प्रतिरोधक लड़ाई का एलान किया| मिडिल क्लास के लिए अच्छी और वहन करने योग्य शिक्षा उपलब्ध करने अपने दो दिन के आभियान पर निकले ओबामा ने आज तीन सूत्रीय कार्यक्रम सुझाये
[१]सभी युवाओं को उच्च शिक्षा का अवसर मिले
[२]स्कूलों को वित्तीय सहायता मिले+नवीनीकरण और प्रतिस्पर्द्धा को प्रोत्साहन मिले
[३]और कालेज के खर्चे वहन करने यौग्य हों
ओबामा ने कहा कि छात्रों की परफोर्मेंस के अनुसार कालेजों की रेटिंग की जानी चाहिए | मानकों पर खरा नही उतरने वाले कालेजों को आर्थिक सहायता नहीं दी जानी चाहिए| प्रेजिडेंट ओबामा ने कहा कि हमारा उद्देश्य शिक्षा के नाम पर दिए जाने वाले लोन से छात्रों से कमाई करना नहीं है वरनशिक्षा में खर्च करके अमेरिकन्स को वैश्विक स्तर के शिक्षित नागरिक बनाना है| उनके साथ एजुकेशन सेक्रेटरी अर्ने डंकन [ Education Secretary Arne Duncan, ] ने भी रोचेस्टर ,एन यू[ Rochester, N.Y ] कालेज अफ़्फोर्डएबिलिटी बस टूर [ college affordability bus tour ] के दौरान मैगनोलिया डेली &कैफ़े [ Magnolia’s Deli & Café, ] में स्नातक और छात्रों से मुलाक़ात भी की|उन्होंने शिक्षा के महत्त्व पर प्राक्स्श डालते हुए कहा कि जो लोग डिग्री लिए बगैर कालेज छोड़ते हैं उन्हें सारी उम्र पछताना पड़ता है|
कर्टसी व्हाईट हाउस

बराक ओबामा ने हेल्थ केयर यौजना को लेकर विपक्षी रिपलिकंस की जम कर आलोचना की;Week’s Address Of Barack Obama

प्रेजिडेंट बराक ओबामा ने आज अपने साप्ताहिक संबोधन में हेल्थ केयर यौजना को लेकर विपक्षी रिपलिकंस की जम कर आलोचना की| ओबामा ने कहा कि अफोर्डेबल केयर एक्ट को प्रभावी बना कर मिलियंस अमेरिकन को लाभ पहुँचाने के लिए प्रयास किये जा रहे हैं लेकिन इन तमाम उपायों को असफल बनाने में कांग्रेस में कुछ रिपब्लिकन्स द्वारा अनावश्यक रुकावटें डाली जा रही है|यहाँ तक कि देश वासिओं को गुमराह भी किया जा रहा है|इन रिपब्लिकन्स द्वारा धमकी दी जा रही है कि यदि वे लोग इस हेल्थ केयर लॉ को बंद नही करा पाए तो सरकार को ही बंद करा देंगे|
बराक ओबामा ने कहा कि हेल्थ इन्शुरन्स जन हित के लिए है इसीलिए इसके साथ कोई अप्रिय राजनीती नहीं खेली जानी चाहिए| उन्होंने कहा कि उनकी सरकार लोगों तक इस सुविधा को पहुँचाने के लिए भरसक प्रयास करेगी|

President Obama strongly condemned the violence against civilians in the Burning Egypt

President Barack Obama , this morning ,strongly condemned the violence against civilians in the Burning Egypt and opposed the pursuit of martial law,He also cancelled the biannual joint military training exercise with the Egypt
.Obama ,today, issued a statement on the unfolding situation in Egypt and called for an end to violence.He said
[1]”The United States strongly condemns the steps that have been taken by Egypt’s interim government and security forces,” he said. [2]”We deplore violence against civilians. We support universal rights essential to human dignity, including the right to peaceful protest.
[3] We oppose the pursuit of martial law, which denies those rights to citizens under the principle that security trumps individual freedom, or that might makes right.
[4]And today the United States extends its condolences to the families of those who were killed and those who were wounded.”
[5]The President announced that he is canceling the biannual joint military training exercise that U.S. forces hold with Egyptian counterparts and weighing the implications of the Egyptian interim government’s actions as the United States considers further steps that we may take.He said that U S A is being blamed for intervention but it would not help . America has long outstanding relations with Egypt We would like Egypt to succeed and prosper Egyptians deserve better than what we’ve seen,”
Courtesy White House

Barack Obama Will Honour 16 Dedicated Personalities With highest civilian honor Presidential Medal of Freedom

Presidential Medals of Freedom has been announced Dedicated 16 Personalities Will Be Honored With Presidential Medal of Freedom . Former President Bill Clinton+ Baseball player Ernie Banks,and Oprah Winfrey will be as three of the sixteen recipients of this National Award
Fifty years ago, President Kennedy signed an Executive Order establishing the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is the Nation’s highest civilian honor.
President Obama said, “The Presidential Medal of Freedom goes to men and women who have dedicated their own lives to enriching ours. This year’s honorees have been blessed with extraordinary talent, but what sets them apart is their gift for sharing that talent with the world. It will be my honor to present them with a token of our nation’s gratitude.”
This year, the Presidential Medal of Freedom will be awarded to:
[1]Ernie Banks
[2]Ben Bradlee
[3][Bill Clinton
[4]Daniel Inouye
[5]Daniel Kahneman
[6]Richard Lugar
[7]Loretta Lynn
[8]Mario Molina
[9]Sally Ride
[10]Bayard Rustin
[11]Arturo Sandoval
[12]Dean Smith
[13]Gloria Steinem
[14]Cordy Tindell “C.T.” Vivian
[15]Patricia Wald
[16]Oprah Winfrey

बराक ओबामा ने हाऊसिंग सम्बंधित जिज्ञासाओं को शांत करने के लिए आन लाइन प्रश्नों के उत्तर दिए

प्रेजिडेंट बराक ओबामा ने अमेरिका में हाऊसिंग सम्बंधित जिज्ञासाओं को शांत करने के लिए आन लाइन प्रश्नों के उत्तर दिए
लास एंजलस [ Los Angeles ] जिल्लो सी ई ओ स्पेंसर रस्कोफ्फ़ [ Zillow CEO Spencer Raskoff ] के साथ बैठ कर देश भर से आये हाउसिंग सम्बंधित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दिए देकर लोगों की जिज्ञासा शांत करने का प्रयास किया|
बीते दिन प्रेजिडेंट ओबामा ने फ़ीनिक्स में मिडिल क्लास के लिए निजी आवास को जरुरी बताए हुए इस दिशा में और बहुत कार्य करने का आश्वासन दिया था|
उन्होंने बाते कि बेशक २००८ के पश्चात से हाऊसिंग मार्किट में प्रगृति हुई हैं प्रॉपर्टी के दाम बढे हैं लेकिन इस दिशा में अभी भी बहुत कुछ किया जाना शेष है| अपने लिए पहला मकान खरीदने के लिए वाले अमेरिकन्स को हर संभव सहायता प्रदान की जानी है|
इसी कड़ी में आज मकान मालिक+ किराये दार+ खरीददारों ने मॉर्गेज इंटरेस्ट रेट्स +रेफिनान्सिंग आदि से सम्बंधित प्रश्न किये
फ्लोरिडा से एंड्रू [ Andrew ] ने पूछा कि पिछले तीन महीने से बढ रहे इंटरेस्ट रेट्स का हाऊसिंग रिकवरी पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा|
लुसिआना से जिल [ Jill from Louisiana ] ने दूसरी बार मकान खरीदे जाने पर सुविधाओं कि जानकारी प्राप्त की|
ट्विटर[ Twitter ] के माध्यम से कोलिन ने #MyRefi or #HARP3? के लाभ की जानकारी चाही| ? एरिज़ोना के जैसन [Jason from Arizona ]:ने अपने पड़ोसी की फॉर क्लोजर [ foreclosure ] से सम्बंधित समस्या को उठाया|

Barack Obama Will Answer Questions Of Homeowners, Renters, and Prospective Buyers

Barack Obama Will Answer Questions Of Homeowners, Renters, and Prospective BuyersTomorrow
President of U S A Barack Obama is traveling to Phoenix, Arizona today and providing help to responsible homeowners and those who seek to own their own homes as the next cornerstone of a strong middle class in America.Apart from this tour President has assured that he will be available on line and answer the questions relating to real estate market place.President Obama has uploaded an Short video reminding countrymen that he will answer the questions on Wednesday august 7 at 1 P M E T
President will answer questions submitted by homeowners, renters, and prospective buyers during a conversation moderated by Zillow’s CEO Spencer Rascoff.Yahoo Will Be The Media partner.As per Obama care President is promoting Middle class based Economy.

प्रेजिडेंट बराक ओबामा के ५२ वें जन्म दिन पर जमोस न्यूज डाट काम परिवार की बधाई

प्रेजिडेंट बराक ओबामा के ५२ वें जन्म दिन पर जमोस न्यूज डाट काम परिवार की बधाई
प्रेजिडेंट बराक ओबामा ने आज अपना ५२व जन्म दिन मनाया इस अवसर पर व्हाइट हाउस ने ओबामा की उपलब्धियों से सम्बंधित एक वर्ष की ५२ फोटो भी जारी की हैं| जमोस न्यूमा ज डाट काम परिवार भी प्रेजिडेंट ओबामा की मंगल कामना करता है |