
Archive for: October 2016

CBI Books Arms Dealer For Kickback@ 5.70m $ in Embraer Deal

[New Delhi] CBI Books UK-Based Arms Dealer in Embraer Deal
CBI has registered an FIR against a UK-based arms dealer for allegedly taking kickbacks worth over USD 5.70 million from Brazilian company Embraer in the 2008 three-aircraft deal.
As per sources,these kickbacks were allegedly paid in 2009 through subsidiaries of Embraer via a Singapore based company which is owned by the middleman.
It is alleged that payoffs were routed through Austria and Switzerland.
Preliminary enquiry registered in September, is now converted into a regular FIR
The deal for three aircraft which were to be used by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for air-borne radar systems was inked in 2008 with Embraer.
A Brazilian newspaper had alleged that that the company had taken the services of middlemen to clinch deals in Saudi Arabia and India.
According to defence procurement rules of India, middlemen are strictly barred in such deals.
Leading Brazilian newspaper ‘Folha de Sao Paulo’ had reported that the company allegedly paid commissions to a UK-based defence agent to finalise the deal with India..
The company has been under investigation by the US Justice Department since 2010 when a contract with the Dominican Republic raised the Americans’ suspicions,

Drop Off Expired Drugs At LegalSites On 22nd Oct:Take-Back Day Take Back Day

[Washington DC]Drop Off Expired Drugs At LegalSites On 22nd Oct:Take-Back Day
USA Observes Take Back Day On 22nd October On This Particular Day Americans Are Permitted to Drop Off Unneeded or Expired Prescription Drugs
Nearly 130 people in the U.S. die every day from a drug overdose, and most of those involve prescription opioids or heroin. The majority of people of people who misuse prescription drugs report that they obtained the drugs from family or friends.
But this weekend one can do something about it and help protect own family and friends.
This Saturday, October 22, is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, organized by the Drug Enforcement Administration
More than 6.4 million pounds of medication have been collected at past Take-Back Days.
There will more than 5,000 collection sites nationwide, and thousands of state, local, and tribal law enforcement officers will join with parents and community leaders to safely, conveniently, and responsibly dispose of expired or unwanted prescription drugs.
The Office of National Drug Control Policy has been working with Federal agencies and communities to make it easier for communities to set up permanent disposal programs locally. And following the President’s call to action last year, private organizations have taken steps to make it more convenient to safely dispose of unneeded drugs throughout the year.
President Obama has made clear that addressing the prescription opioid and heroin epidemic is a priority for his Administration. Take-Back Day is a critical part of the Administration’s efforts to address the opioid epidemic.
Michael Botticelli,Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy says On Saturday, you can help make your community safer by participating in Take-Back Day in your area.

Parrikar Rejects Swaraj Abhiyan Charge, Terms Rafale Best Deal

Swaraj Abhiyan Press Conference

Swaraj Abhiyan Press Conference

[New Delhi] Parrikar Rejects Swaraj Abhiyan Charge, Terms Rafale Best Deal.Swaraj Abhiyan has questioned integrity of MP Varun Gandhi=Congress+BJP Over Defence Deals.Immediately Defence Minister has refuted all such charges Yogendra Yadav +Prashant Bhushan has also presented many documents in support.
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar today asserted the recently-signed Euro 7.878 billion-deal for 36 Rafale fighter jets was the best ever offered to any country, rejecting Swaraj Abhiyan’s Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav’s allegation that India paid double the price.
Parrikar, however, refused to comment on the duo’s allegation that BJP parliamentarian Varun Gandhi was “honey trapped” into leaking defence secrets, a charge stoutly denied by the leader.
Contrary to previous announcements of getting 126 aircraft, the government bought 36 aircraft, paying double the price for individual units. It certainly appears to be the case that something is fishy.”
He said despite having knowledge of all these things, the BJP government did not blacklist Thales, the company that sold scam-tainted Scorpene submarines, as Dassault acquired it.
Dassault Aviation has 25.3 per cent stake in Thales.
Parrikar said nothing has been proved in the alleged Scorpene leak and hence the case for banning any firm does not arise.
India recently signed a deal with Dassault for 36 Rafale aircraft.
Varun has already denied the charge, saying he has not met middleman Abhishek Verma, to whom he has been accused of having leaked defence secrets, since 2004.
He has threatened to file a defamation suit against Bhushan and Yadav over the charges.

१० रु के नए सिक्कों के विषय में फैली अफवाहों को पीएनबी बैंक ने हवा दी

[मेरठ,यूपी] १० रु के नए सिक्कों के विषय में फैली अफवाहों को आज स्वयम पंजाब नेशनल बैंक [पी ऍन बी] ने ही हवा दे दी
मेरठ के ईव्ज चौराहे पर स्थित पीऍनबी की ब्रांच में आज १० रु के ५०० सिक्के लेने से इनकार कर दिया गया |
व्यवसाई संजय मित्तल ने सिक्कों के ढेर दिखाते हुए बताया के बैंक अधिकारियों ने सिक्के गिनने की मशीनननही होने का बहाना बना कर सिक्के उनके खाते में जमा करने से इनकार कर दिया |गौरतलब हे के मार्किट में चल रही अफवाहों के अनुसार दस रुपये के नए सिक्के लेने में आनाकानी की जा रही है जबकि सरकार की तरफ से ऐसे कोई आदेश नहीं दिए गए हैं

Rita Bahuguna Punctures Rahul’s Brahmin Tyre& Joins BJP

[New Delhi]Rita Bahuguna Punctures Rahul’s Brahmin Tyre& Joins BJP
Rita Bahuguna Joshi Following Her Brother Vijay Bahuguna Joins BJP
In a jolt to Congress in poll- bound Uttar Pradesh, senior party leader Rita Bahuguna Joshi today joined BJP and attacked Rahul Gandhi over the way he was running the party and his reaction to the army’s surgical strikes.
67-year-old Joshi, daughter of late Congress veteran Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna, over whom there has been speculation of deserting Congress, joined BJP in the presence of party president Amit Shah at the party headquaters
A former UPCC president who resigned as a Congress MLA today, said there is no alternative to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP.
Joshi, who was said to be unhappy with the Congress leadership over projection of Sheila Dikshit as its chief ministerial face in Uttar Pradesh, rued the present state of affairs in the party, alleging that it is in such a bad shape that it has contracted out its working to strategist Prashant Kishore.
Slamming Rahul for his ‘dalali’ barb at Modi over the surgical strikes, Joshi said she has been disheartened by the events which happened in the last few days.
Noting that she had spent 24 years out of 27 years of her political career in Congress and only 10 months in Samajwadi Party, she said, “The decision to quit Congress was not easy.
However, I took it in the interest of the nation and the state (UP).”
Her joining BJP is expected to give a boost to the party’s efforts to consolidate Brahmin voters as it looks to capture power in the state following a gap of over 15 years.
The assembly polls in UP are due early next year. Ruling Samajwadi Parry and BSP have been in the power by turn all this while

आर्थिक संकट से जूझ रहे एकऔर परिवार ने किया खुदकुशी का प्रयास:तीन मरे

[राजकोट]आर्थिक संकट से जूझ रहे एक और परिवार ने किया खुदकुशी का प्रयास, तीन मरे|मेरठ में भी एक परिवार के पांच सदस्यों द्वारा ख़ुदकुशी की हृदयविदारक घटना के पश्चात् राजकोट में तीन सदस्यों की मृत्यु से समाज स्तब्ध है \
आर्थिक संकट के कारण जहरीला पदार्थ खाकर कथित तौर पर खुदकुशी का प्रयास करने वाले एक दंपति और उसकी बेटी की मौत हो गयी जबकि उसके बेटे की हालत गंभीर है।
गांधीग्राम थाना निवासी नरिया के बेटे ध्रुव [९] की हालत गंभीर है और एक निजी अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है।
पोलिस इ प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार कल रात यूनिवर्सिटी रोड स्थित अपने आवास पर नरिया और उसकी पत्नी ने अपने बच्चों को जहरीला पदार्थ दिया था और उसके बाद अपनी जान देने के लिए जहरीला पदार्थ खा लिया।’’ यह घटना उस समय प्रकाश में आयी जब नरिया के पिता दयाभाई कल देर रात घर आए और परिवार के चार सदस्यों को बिस्तरों पर अचेत लेटा हुआ पाया।
एक निजी अस्पताल में नरिया, रसिला और उनकी बेटी शिवानी को मृत घोषित कर दिया गया जबकि ध्रुव की हालत गंभीर बनी हुयी है
घर में एक सुसाइड नोट भी बरामद किया गया है जिसमें नारिया ने कथित तौर पर कहा है कि ‘असहनीय’ आर्थिक संकट के कारण यह कदम उठा रहा है।
‘‘नारिया नकली आभूषण का व्यापार करता था और अपनी मां के इलाज में उस पर भारी कर्ज हो गया। मां की आठ महीने पहले मौत हो गयी।’’

वाहन दुर्घटना में ७ छात्रों के घायल हो जाने से दिल्ली ट्रांसपोर्ट पर प्रश्न चिन्ह

[नयी दिल्ली]स्कूली वाहन के एक्सीडेंट में सात स्कूली बच्चों के घायल हो जाने से व्यवस्था पर प्रश्न चिन्ह
दिल्ली में एक सड़क हादसे में सात स्कूली बच्चे हुए घायल हो गए |पुलिस ने दुर्घटनाग्रस्त वाहन जब्त कर लिया है और ड्राइवर अनिल [३६] को पकड़ लिया है।अनिल लामपुर गांव का रहने वाला है।दिल्ली सरकार और स्कूल प्रशासन द्वारा लगातार यह दावा किया जाता है के स्कूली वाहनों के रखरखाव और ड्राइवर की ट्रेनिंग नियमित रूप से की जा रही है लेकिन इस नवीनतम दुर्घटना ने दिल्ली सरकार के ट्रांसपोर्ट विभाग के सभी दावों की पोल खोल कर रख दी है
बाहरी दिल्ली के अलीपुर इलाके में आज सुबह राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग एक पर एक स्कूली वाहन के डिवाइडर से टकराकर पलट जाने से सात बच्चे घायल हो गए।
स्थानीय पुलिस के अनुसार खामपुर गांव के समीप लालबत्ती पर सुबह साढ़े सात बजे वाहन डिवाइडर से टकरा गया जिससे यह हादसा हुआ। स्कूली वाहन बुधपुर के जैन भारती सीनियर सेंकेडरी स्कूल के विद्यार्थियों को लेकर जा रहा था।
वाहन स्कूल के 12 बच्चों को लेकर लामपुर गांव से आ रहा था। सभी बच्चे नरेला के सत्यवादी राजा हरिश्चंद्र अस्पताल भेजे गए जहां सात बच्चों का इलाज किया गया।

Clinton Will Also Command #SurgicalStrike:Modi Mania In USA ???

Is It Modi Mania In The USA?
@HillaryClinton Will Also Command #SurgicalStrike
On Extremist Bagdadi
Fighting For White House Republican Donald Trump Openly Endorsed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Now His Staunch Opponent Democratic Hillary Clinton Desires To Follow Modi’s Strategy
She Said In Last Debate That She Will Destroy Extremist Bagadadi Like Democrats Did To Laden
Is It Modi Mania ???

Trustee Manoj Ranjan Nayak Surrenders:Hospital Inferno

[Bhubaneswar] Trustee Manoj Ranjan Surrenders:Hospital Inferno
Manoj Ranjan Nayak, the chairman of Sikshya O Anusandhan Charitable Trust that runs the Sum Hospital 21 people were killed in a fire mishap
With the arrest of Nayak, the number of those held in connection with the fire tragedy now stands at five.
As per,Commissioner of Police, Y B Khurania .”Manoj Nayak surrenders at Khandagiri Police Station. He is arrested and under interrogation,”
Last evening the commissinorate of Police had issued a Look Out Circular in the name of Nayak and Saswati Das, both trustees of the charitable trust.
The police issued LOC after Union Health Minister J P Nadda made it clear to the state government that persons responsible for the fire tragedy should not not go Scot free.
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik had also assured the state that all the guilty persons would be taken to task.
Two days ago, the police had arrested four senior officials including the medical superintendent of Sum Hospital Pushparaj Samantasinghar.
The four officials were arrested on the basis of an FIR lodged by the state government’s fire service department. A case was registered against the authorities of Sum Hospital which has been accused of overlooking a 2013 advisory of state government to improve its firefighting mechanism. The hospital does not possess a fire safety certificate.

AAP’s Extortionist Leader Gulab Singh Gets Bail On Rs 50K Bond

[New Delhi] AAP’s Extortionist Leader Gulab Singh Yadav, Gets Bail
Gulab Singh was arrested in an extortion case
Metropolitan Magistrate Kishor Kumar granted relief to the politician on furnishing of a personal bond of Rs 50,000 and a surety of like amount.
Yadav had sought bail on the ground that other co-accused had already been granted the relief
The bail plea was opposed by the police on the ground that he was the main accused in the case and everything had happened at his instance.
It also said that he was an influential person and could tamper with evidence and influence witnesses and if granted the relief.
Delhi’s Matiala legislator, who was brought by the police from Gujarat, was sent to judicial custody yesterday by the court which had declined the police application seeking five- day police custody.
Last month, two property dealers, Deepak Sharma + Rinku Diwan, had alleged that Satish and Devinder, who worked in Yadav’s office, and an associate Jagdish were extorting money from them by threatening to get a building, where the property dealers were operating from, demolished.
A case was registered at Bindapur police station on September 13.
Following this, a non-bailable warrant was issued against the MLA by a court here on October 14 for allegedly not joining probe.
Police had alleged that the MLA was arrested under charge of running an extortion racket and there was concrete evidence against him for his arrest