
Tag: American President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama announced Four Fold Sanction, Against Russia ,For violation Of International Law

, President Barack Obama announced Four Fold Sanction, Against Russia ,For violation Of International Law
United States is sending a strong message to the Russian government that there are consequences for their actions that violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, including their actions supporting the illegal referendum for Crimean separation.
Obama Said “As I told President Putin yesterday, “the referendum in Crimea was a clear violation of Ukrainian constitutions and international law, and it will not be recognized by the international community.”
President Obama explained four specific actions: “First, as authorized by the executive order I signed two weeks ago,
[1]we are imposing sanctions on specific individuals responsible for undermining the sovereignty, territorial integrity and government of Ukraine,” he said.
[2]Second, I have signed a new executive order that expands the scope of our sanctions
[3]Third, we’re continuing our close consultations with our European partners, who today in Brussels moved ahead with their own sanctions against Russia…
[4] Fourth, we’ll continue to make clear to Russia that further provocations will achieve nothing except to further isolate Russia and diminish its place in the world.
President Said “Now, I believe there’s still a path to resolve this situation diplomatically in a way that addresses the interest of both Russia and Ukraine,” “But throughout this process, we’re going to stand firm in our unwavering support for Ukraine.”

Barack Obama ,This Time,Has Ordered To Modernize American overtime rules

Barack Obama ,This Time,Has Ordered To Modernize American overtime rules
In this week’s address, President Barack Obama highlighted the action he took this week to reward hard work by strengthening overtime pay protections.
As part of this year of action, the President has ordered the Secretary of Labor to modernize country’s overtime rules to ensure that millions of American workers are paid a fair wage for a hard day’s work. While our economy is moving forward, the middle class and those fighting to get into it are still struggling and too many Americans are working harder than ever just to keep up, let alone get ahead. So, in consultation with workers and business, the Obama Administration will update and simplify the rules to reward hard work and responsibility.
Obama Said” In this year of action, I’m doing everything I can, with or without Congress, to expand opportunity for more Americans. This week, I ordered a review of our nation’s overtime rules, to give more Americans the chance to earn the overtime pay they’ve worked for.
Here’s why this matters. Our businesses have created 8.7 million new jobs over the past four years. But in many ways, the trends that have battered the middle class for decades have grown even starker. While those at the top are doing better than ever, average wages have barely budged. Too many Americans are working harder than ever just to keep up.
We’ve got to build an economy that works for everybody, not just a fortunate few. We know from our history that our economy grows best from the middle out, when growth is more widely shared. So we’ve got to restore opportunity for all – the idea that with hard work and responsibility, you can get ahead.”
Obama Told “Now, for more than 75 years, the 40-hour workweek and the overtime protections that come with it have helped countless workers climb the ladder of success. But today, an overtime exception originally meant for highly-paid employees now applies to workers who earn as little as $23,660 a year. It doesn’t matter if you do mostly physical labor, or if you work 50, 60, even 70 hours a week. Your employer may not have to pay you a single extra dime. In some cases, this rule makes it possible for workers earning a salary to actually be paid less than the minimum wage. And it means that business owners who treat their employees fairly can be undercut by competitors who don’t. That’s not right. So we’re going to update those overtime rules to restore that basic principle that if you have to work more, you should be able to earn more. And we’ll do it by consulting workers and businesses, and simplifying the system so it’s easier for everyone.”
Courtesy White House

Obama reiterated his call for Congress to increase the minimum wage To $Ten Ten

In this week’s address, President Barack Obama reiterated his call for Congress to increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $Ten Ten The President has already signed an executive order to raise the minimum wage for people working under new federal contracts. Companies large and small are choosing to give workers a raise because they know it’s good business. And Governors across the country are answering the President’s call by working to raise their states’ minimum wages. Now, it’s time for Congress to get the job done and restore opportunity for all Americans by raising the minimum wage to “ten-ten.”
While Sharing His Experiences Obama Said”This week, I traveled to New England, where I was joined by four governors who are working to raise the minimum wage in each of their states. And they’ve also joined me in calling on Congress to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour. Because it would give nearly 800,000 Americans in their states a raise – and lift wages for about 28 million across the country.So these governors aren’t waiting for Congress to make up its mind. And in my State of the Union Address, I asked America’s business leaders to go ahead and do what they could to raise their employees’ wages, too. And increasingly, it’s not just large companies like Costco or the Gap that choose to pay their employees higher starting wages. It’s smaller businesses like Jaxson’s, a family-owned ice cream parlor in South Florida. They answered the call and raised their wages so that more than 70 employees would earn at least $10.10 an hour, without cutting back on hiring.
And two weeks ago, an Atlanta small business owner named Darien Southerland [SUTH-er-lind] wrote me to share a lesson his grandmother taught him – that if you treat your employees right, they’ll treat you right. And Vice President Biden paid him a visit this week.
Courtesy White House

Michelle Obama initiates Special Movement Against obesity within a generation

First Lady Michelle Obama Has Taken An initiative Against obesity within a generation — just turned 4.
A Video Has Been Released In Which Michelle Obama and comedian Will Ferrell Talks ,With Young Kids, In A Very Interesting Way.They Both Are Seen Creating Interest Among Kids For Healthy Food
In This Video Michelle And Ferrell Motivate Kids For healthy Food .
To kick off this anniversary week, First Lady Michelle Obama and comedian Will Ferrell held a “focus group” with young kids to talk about how they eat healthy and get active.President Obama and Vice President Biden will share how they get moving, too.This Will Be celebrated all week,

Barack Obama Conveyed congratulations and good luck to American Participants In Winter Olympic

President Barack Obama Conveyed congratulations and good luck to American Participants In Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.
President Obama Said “congratulations and good luck to every one representing the United States at the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.As Team USA represents us on the world stage and goes for the gold, folks here at home will be cheering them on every step of the way”
President Obama recorded a special message of his own for Team USA.It Is Also Important To Mention Here That Indian Players Are Participating Without Indian Flag And Any Such Encouragement

American President Obama Invited Social Media Followers In White House

President Obama Realizes The Importance Of Role Of Social Media In Politics So They Have Invited Social Media Followers.
On Tuesday, January 28th, President Barack Obama will deliver his fifth State of the Union Address from the Capitol. at the White House, It Has Been Stated In Her Blog By Kasie Coccaro Of White House That “we’ll be hosting our third State of the Union Social event. This event is part of a series of “White House Socials” that invite our social media followers to join in-person events, engage with administration officials, and share their experience with their friends. Use the hashtag #SOTUSocial to discuss the event online, and help get the word out.
This event is an opportunity for our followers on social media to watch President Obama’s State of the Union Address live from the White House, and then participate in a panel with senior staff to discuss the vision and policies laid out in the speech.
Courtesy White House

American President Obama announced work with local communities , businesses Is It A Kejriwal Effect ?

American President Barack Obama Has announced to work with local communities and businesses Is It A Kejriwal Effect ?These days in India political parties are Aping Aam Aadmi Party’s Simplicity and direct connection with Citizens Now American President Barack Obama Has Also announced five “Promise Zones” –[1] partnerships with local communities to work to create jobs,[2] increase economic security,[3] expand educational opportunities,[4] increase access to quality, affordable housing and [5]improve public safety.
These five communities — [A]in San Antonio, [B]Philadelphia,[C] Los Angeles,[D] Southeastern Kentucky, and the[E] Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma — have committed to use existing resources on proven strategies, and make new investments that reward hard work. Because as the President noted, in a country as great as this one, a child’s zip code should never determine their opportunity Last year, in his State of the Union address, President Obama announced his plan to work with local communities and businesses to create jobs, increase economic security, expand educational opportunities, increase access to quality, affordable housing and improve public safety by creating 20 “Promise Zones” across the country.

Republican Congressmen Enjoyed the holidays and let One Million Americans Without Income :Obama

American Democrat President Barack Obama Advocated Extension Of Emergency Unemployment Insurance For One Million Unemployed Americans
In His Weekly Address Obama Said That Congress should act to extend emergency unemployment insurance for more than one million Americans who have lost this vital economic lifeline while looking for a job. Letting emergency unemployment insurance expire not only harms American families, but it is also a drag on the overall economy.
President Obama urged ” both parties to pass the bipartisan three-month extension under consideration in the Senate so that we can once again focus on expanding opportunities for the middle class and creating jobs for all hardworking Americans”
Obama Said “This is a time when we look ahead to all the possibilities and opportunities of the year to come – when we resolve to better ourselves, and to better our relationships with one another. And today, I want to talk about one place that Washington should start – a place where we can make a real and powerful difference in the lives of many of our fellow Americans right now.
Just a few days after Christmas, more than one million of our fellow Americans lost a vital economic lifeline – the temporary insurance that helps folks make ends meet while they look for a job.”
While Attacking Opposition Obama Said ” Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire. And for many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, that decision will leave them with no income at all.
We make this promise to one another because it makes a difference to a mother who needs help feeding her kids while she’s looking for work; to a father who needs help paying the rent while learning the skills to get a new and better job. And denying families that security is just plain cruel. We’re a better country than that. We don’t abandon our fellow Americans when times get tough – we keep the faith with them until they start that new job.”
“So when Congress comes back to work this week, their first order of business should be making this right. Right now, a bipartisan group in Congress is working on a three-month extension of unemployment insurance – and if they pass it, I will sign it. For decades, Republicans and Democrats put partisanship and ideology aside to offer some security for job-seekers, even when the unemployment rate was lower than it is today. Instead of punishing families who can least afford it, Republicans should make it their New Year’s resolution to do the right thing, and restore this vital economic security for their constituents right now.
After all, our focus as a country this year shouldn’t be shrinking our economy, but growing it; not narrowing opportunity, but expanding it; not fewer jobs, but doing everything we can to help our businesses create more of the good jobs that a growing middle class requires”.
President Said “That’s my New Year’s resolution – to do everything I can, every single day, to help make 2014 a year in which more of our citizens can earn their own piece of the American Dream.
After five years of working and sacrificing to recover and rebuild from crisis, we have it within our power, right now, to move this country forward. It’s entirely up to us. And I’m optimistic for the year that lies ahead”.

American President Barack & Michelle Greeted everyone On Joyous Christmas

American President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. In his week’s address, Obama also thanked brave troops and their families for their service and sacrifice, and reminded everyone to visit Joining to find ways to give back to military families this year. Both the President and First Lady said that during this holiday season, all should come together to find ways to support our communities, continue caring for each other and keep working to be the best parents, children, friends, neighbors, and citizens
THE First Lady Michelle Obama Said “Here at the White House, over the past few weeks, we’ve had about 70,000 people from all across the country come visit us and look at our holiday decorations.”

To Keep Country Free From Fear, Keep Trying:Obama Marking Anniversary of Shooting in Newtown,

President Barack Obama honored the memories of the 26 innocent children and educators who were killed a year ago in Newtown, Connecticut.
One year ago quiet, peaceful Newtown, was shattered by unspeakable Gun Culture
6 dedicated school workers and 20 beautiful children were Shot Dead
Marking the One-Year Anniversary of this Tragic Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut President Obama said “As parents, as Americans, the news filled us with grief. Newtown is a town like so many of our hometowns. The victims were educators and kids that could have been any of our own. And our hearts were broken for the families that lost a piece of their heart; for the communities changed forever; for the survivors, so young, whose innocence was torn away far too soon.
But beneath the sadness, we also felt a sense of resolve – that these tragedies must end, and that to end them, we must change.
From the very beginning, our efforts were led by the parents of Newtown – men and women, impossibly brave, who stepped forward in the hopes that they might spare others their heartbreak. And they were joined by millions of Americans – mothers and fathers; sisters and brothers – who refused to accept these acts of violence as somehow inevitable.”
Obama In Weekly address said “Over the past year, their voices have sustained us. And their example has inspired us – to be better parents and better neighbors; to give our children everything they need to face the world without fear; to meet our responsibilities not just to our own families, but to our communities. More than the tragedy itself, that’s how Newtown will be remembered.
And on this anniversary of a day we will never forget, that’s the example we should continue to follow. Because we haven’t yet done enough to make our communities and our country safer. We have to do more to keep dangerous people from getting their hands on a gun so easily. We have to do more to heal troubled minds. We have to do everything we can to protect our children from harm and make them feel loved, and valued, and cared for.
And as we do, we can’t lose sight of the fact that real change won’t come from Washington. It will come the way it’s always come – from you. From the American people.
As a nation, we can’t stop every act of violence. We can’t heal every troubled mind. But if we want to live in a country where we can go to work, send our kids to school, and walk our streets free from fear, we have to keep trying. We have to keep caring. We have to treat every child like they’re our child. Like those in Sandy Hook, we must choose love. And together, we must make a change.