
Tag: Narendra Modi

नरेंद्र मोदी ने जे & के उड़ी केंद्रीय विद्यालय हाई स्कूल[xth]को तत्काल इंटर[ xiith ]तक करने के आदेश दिए

नरेंद्र मोदी ने जे & के में उड़ी के केंद्रीय विद्यालय के हाई स्कूल[xth]को तत्काल इंटर[ xiith ]तक करने के आदेश दिए
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने जम्‍मू-कश्‍मीर में उड़ी के छात्रों को राहत देते हुए उड़ी में स्थित हाई स्कूल[xth]को इंटर[ xiith ] तक करने के आदेश दिए|
गौरतलब है कि नरेंद्र मोदी जे & के के दौरे पर हैं अपने एक भाषण में उन्होंने विकास से जे & के के लोगों का दिल जीतने की बात कही थी और उसी कड़ी में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने उड़ी के लोगों की यह मांग तत्काल पूरी की|
जम्‍मू-कश्‍मीर में उड़ी के लोगों ने प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी के सामने बच्‍चों की शिक्षा से संबं‍धित महत्‍वपूर्ण चिंता रखी। पी एम को बताया गया के स्‍थानीय केंद्र विद्यालय केवल 10वीं कक्षा तक है जिसके बाद कक्षा 11वीं और 12वीं की पढ़ाई के लिए स्‍थानीय बच्चों को लगभग तीन घंटे का सफर तय कर श्रीनगर जाना पड़ता है। प्रधानमंत्री को यह सुनकर काफी निराशा हुई और उन्‍होंने तत्‍काल कार्रवाई करते हुए जुलाई से केंद्र विद्यालय को कक्षा 12वीं तक करने के निर्देश दिए। लम्‍बे समय से चली आ रही इस मांग के तीव्र समाधान की राष्‍ट्रीय पनबिजली परियोजना के कर्मचारियों और स्‍थानीय लोगों ने सराहना की।
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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi being received by the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Omar Abdullah, on his arrival at Jammu airport, in Jammu and Kashmir on July 04, 2014.

Narendra Modi Paid Rich Tributes to the Martyrs at the War Memorial of 15 Corps in Srinagar

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi , today. paid rich tributes to the Martyrs at the War Memorial of 15 Corps at Badami Bagh in Srinagar
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi visited the Army Cantonment at Badami Bagh, Srinagar today.
He paid rich tributes to the Martyrs at the War Memorial of 15 Corps and addressed the soldiers.
On arrival, the Prime Minister was received by
Lt Gen Dalbir Singh, the Vice Chief of Army Staff,
Lt Gen DS Hooda, the Army Commander Northern Command and
Lt Gen Subrata Saha, Chinar Corps Commander.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi meeting the soldiers and officers, at Badami Bagh Cantt., in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir on July 04, 2014.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi meeting the soldiers and officers, at Badami Bagh Cantt., in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir on July 04, 2014.

At the Headquarters of Chinar Corps, he visited the War Memorial and paid tributes to the martyrs. The Prime Minister addressed over 1000 soldiers serving in the high altitude areas along the Line of Control and engaged in counter terrorism operations in the Kashmir Valley. He commended the Army for their selfless service to the cause of National Security.
At the end of the day, the Prime Minister returned back to Delhi.
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[1]The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi laying wreath at martyrs memorial at Badami Bagh Cantt., in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir on July 04, 2014.

अमरीकी सीनेटर जॉन मैकेन ने नरेंद्र मोदी से नीतिगत साझेदारी की इच्छा जताई

अमरीकी सीनेटर जॉन मैकेन ने नरेंद्र मोदी से नीतिगत साझेदारी की इच्छा जताई
अमरीकी सीनेटर जॉन मैकेन ने आज प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी से मुलाकात की और नीतिगत साझेदारी को मज़बूत बनाने की इच्छा जताई
सीनेटर ने बताया कि अमरीका को उम्मीद है कि नई सरकार से देश के आर्थिक विकास को नई गति मिलेगी और भारत का चहुंमुखी विकास होगा। उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री को सफलता की शुभकामनाएं दीं। उन्होंने भारत-अमरीका नीतिगत भागीदारी को सुदृढ करने के लिए प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के साथ काम करने की अमरीका की इच्छा से अवगत कराया।
प्रधानमंत्री ने पारस्परिक मूल्यों और हितों के आधार पर दोनों देशों के मुद्दों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता तथा द्विपक्षीय संबंधों की प्रगति को देखते हुए नीतिगत साझेदारी को और मजबूत बनाने तथा इसका विस्तार करने की इच्छा जताई।
प्रधानमंत्री ने यह भी कहा कि लोकतांत्रिक देशों की सफलता और उनके सहयोग से विश्व शांति, स्थायित्व एवं समृद्धि को बढावा मिलेगा। श्री मोदी ने आशा जताई कि सितंबर 2014 में होने वाली उनकी अमरीकी यात्रा से और अच्छे परिणाम सामने आएंगे और उनके संबंधों को एक नया आयाम मिलेगा।
इस अवसर पर इराक और अफगानिस्तान की स्थिति पर भी चर्चा हुई। प्रधानमंत्री ने विश्व में आतंकवाद के बढते खतरे पर चिंता जताई और इस बात को दोहराया कि मानवतावादी ताकतों के लिए आतंकवाद के खिलाफ लडाई एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्राथमिकता होनी चाहिए।


नरेंद्र दामोदर दास मोदी ने जशोदा बेन नहीं मांगी १०० दिन का ओनली राजनीतिक हनीमून ही तो माँगा है

झल्ले दी झल्लियां गल्लाँ

कांग्रेसी चीयर लीडर

ओये झल्लेया देख तो ये ५६ इंच के सीने वाले भाजपाई नरेंद्र मोदी के सुशासन के सारे दावे एक ही महीने में ध्वस्त हो गए |अब कैसा तड़प कर अपने ब्लॉग में १०० दिन का हनीमून मांग रहा है|ओये दूर के ढोल सभी को सुहावने ही दीखते हैं नजदीक आते ही सारी गलतफहमियां दूर होजाती हैं


ओ मेरे चतुर सुजाणा नरेंद्र भाई दामोदर दास मोदी को अपनी पत्नी जशोदा बेन से १९६८ से अलग रखा जा रहा है इस पर अब मांगने पर भी राजनीतिक हनीमून और ओनली १०० दिन का हनीमून देने में भी आप लोग कांग्रेसियाये जा रहे हो | ६० महीने के जनादेश से सुशोभित सरकार का ओनली एक महीने में ही पोस्ट मार्टम करने लग गए,अब क्या बच्चे की जान ही ले लोगे?

Narendra Modi Wrapped up his 1st Foreign Visit After Strengthening Emotional Ties with Bhutan

After Successfully Completing Two Days Tour Of Bhutan Narendra Modi Is Now On His Way Back To India . Prime Minister of Bhutan, Mr. Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgayet Also Accompanied Upto The Plane And Said Good Bye To His Reliable Ally
Children who lined up waving flags to wish him goodbye along the road to the airport, in Thimphu, Indian Prime Minister Met people , waving flags, on way to the airport, Narendra Modi today sent out a clear message that a “strong and prosperous” India can help smaller countries in the region. Modi, who wrapped up his two-day visit to this Himalayan country, assured Bhutan that all the commitments made by earlier governments would be implemented by his government.
Seeking to push further the relationship with Bhutan, India today announced a number of measures and concessions including the exemption of Bhutan from any ban on export of milk powder+ wheat+ edible oil+ pulses + non-basmati rice.
The two sides also reaffirmed their commitment to their cooperative partnership and agreed to further promote trade and investment.
Before Leaving Bhutan Shri Modi ,This Morning, Addressed Joint Parliament Session and said India is committed to good neighbourly relations and assured Bhutan that change in government will not alter the dynamics of Indo-Bhutan ties. India is committed to good relations with its neighbours,”The Prime Minister said that in the last century or so, while the global trend has largely been of expansion and centralization of power, Bhutan has been an exception. It laid the strong foundation for democracy, and has made the transition to a constitutionally established democracy

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi on his departure from Bhutan to Delhi, in Thimphu, Bhutan The Prime Minister of Bhutan, Mr. Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay is also seen.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi on his departure from Bhutan to Delhi, in Thimphu, Bhutan
The Prime Minister of Bhutan, Mr. Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay is also seen.

The Prime Minister said 7 years is a short time in the history of a country’s democracy. But in this short time, the people of Bhutan have developed faith in the institutions of democracy. There has also been a change in Government. This reflects the maturity and awareness of the people. Shri Modi said India had also witnessed an election recently, and the people of India had voted for good governance and development.
Referring to the welcome remarks by H.E. Mr. Jigme Zangpo, Speaker of the National Assembly, that the stronger India is, the better it is for Bhutan, the Prime Minister said he agreed. He added that the entire region, especially the SAARC countries, would benefit if India is prosperous. Only a strong, prosperous India can help alleviate the problems that its neighbours face, Shri Modi said.
Speaking about the India-Bhutan relationship, the Prime Minister said this is not just based on administrative ties. He said both India and Bhutan have seen transitions of power, but the relationship has remained strong. This is because the relationship is based on a shared cultural heritage. We have opened our hearts for each other, Shri Modi said, adding that leaderships may change, but these open hearts will not close, and the heritage that this relationship represented would be nurtured by future generations. India’s people and Government are committed to it, he said.
Hydro Power
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing the Joint Session of the Parliament of Bhutan, in Thimphu, Bhutan

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing the Joint Session of the Parliament of Bhutan, in Thimphu, Bhutan

Shri Modi said the plans to harness Bhutan’s hydropower potential were not just about Bhutan’s economy, or meeting India’s energy needs, but a small contribution to the fight against global warming.
The Prime Minister also talked about the large contribution made for education in Bhutan’s budget, and said this reflected Bhutan’s investment in the future generations.
He said India was keen to make a contribution to this cause. He said India would help set up an e-library in Bhutan, for the benefit of the youth, which would help them connect with the world. He said India would also double the scholarships that are being given to Bhutanese students.
Stating that India and Bhutan must think of how to take the relationship even further, Shri Modi suggested that the Himalayan states of India, along with Bhutan, and perhaps Nepal, could hold a sports meet every year. He said connecting people through sports, brings sportsman spirit, and that contributes to happiness.
The Prime Minister said India’s space technology could also be harnessed to help Bhutan develop even further.
Shri Narendra Modi said people sometimes said the Himalayas separated us. But he thought the Himalayas united us, as they are a part of our common heritage. He said people on both sides of the Himalayas looked up to them as a source of strength. But the need of the hour is to study various aspects of the Himalayas.
He said India had already set up a National Action Plan for Climate Change. He said a National Mission for sustaining the Himalayan System could also be considered. He said India also wanted a Central University for Himalayan Studies to be established, and Bhutan would benefit a lot from it.
The Prime Minister said India and Bhutan could together form a holistic approach to tourism, and develop a circuit combining India’s North-Eastern states and Bhutan.
He said “Terrorism divides. Tourism unites,” and added that if Bhutan’s natural wealth and capabilities join together, it will be a big invitation for the world.
The Prime Minister referred to a quote from the third King of Bhutan: like milk and water, India and Bhutan cannot be separated. He said the friendship is everlasting, and based on shared cultural heritage.
The vote of thanks was given by H.E. Dr. Sonam Kinga, Chairman of the National Council.
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[1]The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi meets people who lined up to say goodbye, waving flags, on way to the airport, in Thimphu, Bhutan on June 16, 2014.

Sticked To Commitment For Infrastructure P M Laid Foundation Stone of New Mandovi bridge at Goa

Sticked To His Commitment For Infrastructure Narendra Modi Today Laid the Foundation Stone of the New Mandovi bridge at Goa.
Speaking on the occasion, P M Modi said Goa is one of the key areas for development of tourism in India. And the first requirement for developing tourism is good infrastructure.He Said That Good infrastructure can boost the Indian economy,
The Prime Minister said people’s expectations of infrastructure too, had changed over time. The people of India, today, want good quality of infrastructure.
Shri Modi said his Government is committed to increasing investment in infrastructure. This would not only create jobs, but spur investment in other sectors as well. Giving the example of South Korea, he said good infrastructure is one of the key elements for emergence of a modern, prosperous nation.
He said the Chief Minister of Goa, Manohar Parrikar, had taken a decision that the new Mandovi Bridge would be one that Goa would be proud of. The Prime Minister laid stress on timely completion of infrastructure projects, and hoped that the new Mandovi Bridge would be completed on time.
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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi being received by the Chief Minister of Goa, Shri Manohar Parrikar, at INS Hansa Naval Base, in Goa on June 14, 2014.

Kathleen Stephens is a new face of U S A At American Embassy In India

[New Delhi] Kathleen Stephens is a new face of U S A At American Embassy In India She Is Graduate In East Asian studies.
Kathleen Stephens took charge as US interim Ambassador ,chargé d’affaires to India until an ambassador is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate
Kathleen Stephens, the new US interim Ambassador, today took charge of the American Embassy and said she was looking forward to working with India for strengthening and broadening the Indo-US partnership
She said .”I particularly look forward to working with our Indian partners to increase our shared prosperity by growing our trade and investment, enhancing regional security and economic integration,”
The US has already said That it is looking forward to welcoming PM Narendra Modi to Washington,
Modi has also accepted American Invitation but dates of this possible trip Has yet to be announced’
America is climbing this ladder of Relations step by step
The US Trade Representative, Mike Froman has also congratulated new Indian minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Nirmala Sitharaman on her appointment, and discussed the bilateral relationship between the two countries,
Kathleen Stephens has served United States as ambassador to South Korea from 2008 to 2011.
Stephens was born in west Texas and grew up in Two States [1]New Mexico [2] Arizona.
She holds a B.A. in East Asian studies from Prescott College and a Master’s degree from Harvard University, and also studied at Oxford University.
After college, she was a Peace Corps volunteer in South Korea’s Yesan, South Chungcheong from 1975–1977;
Source :Agency+ Wikipedia Photo Caption
Kathleen Stephens at Yesan Middle School where Stephens taught as a Peace Corps Volunteer 33 years before

Narendra Modi Bats For Greener Planet But Govt FollowsP M’s Voice In Routine Advertisements

Today is World Environment Day .
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Bats for a Cleaner and Greener Planet
P M asked the people to serve as “trustees” in protecting environment and utilising natural resources for the present .
In The Second Day In Parliament ,Today. Modi took oath in Hindi in the name of God Apart from this P M and talked about Cleaner and Greener Planet
Indian Govt At Center+adjoining Hariana state have Followed Modi Voice & Got Published Routine Advertisements In English One Day In Advance .

Narendra Modi, Encouraged Bureaucrats To Make People-Friendly Rules and Procedures

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, Encouraged Bureaucrats To Simplify the Administrative Rules and Procedures to Make Them people-friendly He also encouraged the officers to take decisions and assured them that he would stand by them.
. Narendra Modi, today held discussions with Secretaries of all the Ministries and senior officers of the Departments of the Government of India. Such a meeting has taken place after more than eight years.
The P M listened extensively to suggestions and comments of the Secretaries for nearly two and a half hours.
Shri Modi empathized with the sentiment expressed by the Secretaries, and their anguish in not being able to realize their true potential because of circumstances. However, he expressed full faith in their commitment and competence to build a better future for the country.
He called upon the senior bureaucrats to simplify and streamline the administrative rules and procedures to make them people-friendly. He emphasized the need for a team spirit and urged the Secretaries to be leaders of their teams. He also encouraged the officers to take decisions and assured them that he would stand by them.
He added that in the process of governance, ideas should be converted into institutions because institutions last longer than individuals. However, he clarified that there may be rules and processes which have become outdated, and instead of serving the process of governance, they are leading to avoidable confusion. He stressed upon the need to identify and do away with such archaic rules and procedures. He even added that the process of governance of his government should begin with cleaning-up of the offices, improving the workplace, which would automatically result in a better work culture and efficient services to the citizens.
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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi being introduced to the Secretaries to the Government of India, before the meeting with the Secretaries, in New Delhi on June 04, 2014.

State Funeral to Late Gopinath Pandurang Rao Munde Tomorrow

State Funeral for Late Shri Gopinath Munde On Wednesday
The Government has decided that a State funeral will be accorded to late Shri Gopinath Munde, who passed away today in New Delhi. The funeral will take place at his home town at Village Nathra, Tehsil Parali in the Beed District tomorrow in the afternoon.
The Government has also decided that State mourning will be observed on June 03, 2014 and there will be no official entertainment during this period.
Union Rural Development Minister Munde died of multiple internal injuries & cardiac arrest suffered following a road accident in central Delhi early in the morning.
Mortal remains of the Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Shri Gopinathrao Munde
Are Taken To His Home City . 64-year-old Munde, who made his entry into the Union Cabinet for the first time last week, was on his way to the airport when his Maruti Suzuki SX4 car was hit by a Tata Indica at Prithviraj Road-Tughlak Road intersection in the heart of the capital.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today offered his last respects and heartfelt tribute to his Cabinet colleague Shri Gopinath Munde. He placed a wreath on the mortal remains of the departed leader at the Bharatiya Janata Party Headquarters in New Delhi, in the presence of a large number of Union Ministers, party colleagues, workers, and family members of Shri Munde.
The Prime Minister also met the family members of Shri Gopinath Munde, and offered his condolences on the untimely passing away of Shri Munde.
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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi paying tribute to the mortal remains of the Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Shri Gopinathrao Munde, in New Delhi on June 03, 2014.